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Search Results for: aging well

My Own 8-Minute Makeup Routine (VIDEO)

By Elise Marquam-Jahns August 25, 2022

I’ll never forget the day that I had to make a major presentation to the Board of Directors of the non-profit organization where I worked. I was so anxious about it that I – not surprisingly – had difficulty falling asleep the night before…

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The Pros and Cons of Dating as a Boomer Woman

By Andrea McGinty August 25, 2022

Perhaps you have been married for 30 years and suddenly end up divorced. Or like me, married for 25 years, divorced, but wasn’t quite ready to date with an ailing father and two teenage daughters. But, three years later, now the excuses are gone!

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5 Tips for Turning Your Caregiver Duties from Burdens to Opportunities

By Anthony Cirillo August 23, 2022

Are you a family caregiver to a loved one? Many are. In fact, nearly 40 million Americans are caregivers. Six in 10 are employed while juggling caregiving. And a surprising 25% of family caregivers are Millennials…

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5 Things to Do When You Have a Little Down Time After 60

By Delia Lloyd August 22, 2022

Have you been laid off recently? When that happened to me a couple of years ago, it was something that I both wanted – and welcomed. But I also found myself struggling to adjust to that new life. When you know that a major change…

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How to Accept Your Shorter Runway

By Amy Newmark August 21, 2022

Once we pass age 60, we know the “runway” ahead of us is shorter than it used to be. Yet at the same time we probably have more free time and more resources available to have fun. Raising children and our other obligations are mostly behind us…

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3 Keys to the Fountain of Youth (If You Dare to Plunge into It)

By Paula Harer August 21, 2022

Wouldn’t it be great if there was an actual fountain of youth? What if you could just walk up to it with your paper cup, dip it in in the water, and take a big drink? Nirvana, right? Well, no such luck!

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What’s the Meaning of Legacy When You Hit 60? (Hint: It’s Not a Resume)

By Barbara Robitaille August 21, 2022

As a stay-at-home mom, I used to dread meeting new people at social events. After initial pleasantries, so often the exchange would come to an awkward, grinding halt when they asked me…

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5 Tips for Exercising with Peripheral Artery Disease

By Camilla Moore August 20, 2022

You may feel a little overwhelmed if you have been diagnosed with Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). Don’t worry, though – we are here to help! This blog post will give you five tips for exercising safely and effectively with Peripheral Artery Disease…

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Escaping Relationship Toxicity Unscathed and Healed

By Elise Krentzel August 20, 2022

As a child (and into adulthood), I experienced abuse: sexual, physical, verbal, and emotional. Both my parents were narcissists, one more severe than the other: my mother was an alcoholic, and my father had a sex addiction. As a result, I was highly insecure…

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6 Reasons Living Alone Makes You Feel Rich

By Elizabeth Dunkel August 20, 2022

No matter what our financial situation, we all have budgets. Living beautifully – or luxuriously can hinge on changing a perception or making an attitude adjustment. Living alone is like being rich…

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