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Search Results for: aging well

How Setting Goals After 60 Can Help You Reach Your Dreams

By Ginny McReynolds September 07, 2022

As summer turns to fall, many of us are reminded of our youth, when September meant going back to classes and setting goals for the new school year. Even though our classroom days are mostly in the past, developing…

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Saving Family Memories Will Pay Dividends for Generations to Come

By Barbara Klein September 06, 2022

I am sure you recall hearing kids groaning ‘oh, not that story again.’ It might have been in a private setting or embarrassingly public, but the sagging shoulders and bored faces are the same. You might even have been one of those…

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Expecting the Unexpected as a Caregiver: How to Create a Backup Plan

By Christy Turner September 05, 2022

Being the primary care partner for a person living with dementia is tough. Beyond the grief of watching a person you love go through an unforgiving disease process, you’ve got the practical matter of another grown person’s life…

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Best Golf Swing Tips That Work (+ Exercises)

By Camilla Moore September 04, 2022

Are you looking to improve your golf swing? If so, you’re in luck! In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best golf swing tips that work. In addition, we will also provide helpful tips on how to improve your swing accuracy and consistency…

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5 Fun Activities to Enjoy with Your Grandkids

By Jessica Hegg September 03, 2022

Hanging out with your grandkids is great for your mental and emotional health. But the question for many grandparents is, what activities can I do with them? It can be difficult to keep up with the energy of young children…

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Two Fall 2022 Beauty Trends for Mature Skin

By Suzanne Blons September 02, 2022

Fall beauty trends, or any trend for that matter, are usually so kooky they are only wearable for 12-year-olds. OK, I’m being facetious. However, now that I’ve made that sarcastic observation, there are some trends this fall that are completely applicable…

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Use Exercise to Boost Your Brain Power

By Noelle Nelson September 02, 2022

Have you ever watched how young children behave in an airport? Or at a zoo? They race around the place, their desperate parents trying valiantly to corral them, often a toddler stumble-walking behind, hoping to catch up with the fun…

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An Open Letter to My Grandchildren: 10 Things I Want Them to Know

By Terry Arzt September 02, 2022

Our five-year-old grandson recently asked my husband and me “Will we always be together?” I was stunned that such a small child would ask such a profound question. I’m not sure that he understood the depth of the question…

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10 Best Layered Hairstyles for Older Women

By Sandra Roussy September 01, 2022

Thinking of adding layers to your hair? Looking for new inspiration for your hairstyle? Have you had the same style for years? Maybe it’s time to try something new and different…

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Style Should Be Easy at Any Age!

By Susan Cox August 31, 2022

Growing into my wisdom each year, I have noticed the desire for ease and simplicity. It wasn’t always like this. I spent many years wasting my energy and time worrying about things that I couldn’t control and really didn’t matter…

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