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Search Results for: aging well

How (and Why) to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

By Catherine Stifter September 16, 2022

My interest in the healing power of sleep really began while recovering from bacterial meningitis four years ago. For weeks after leaving the hospital, I slept 15-20 hours per day. Although this alarmed my caregivers, who wanted me…

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5 Mindful Photography Ideas to Get You in a State of Flow

By Karin van Mierlo September 16, 2022

Mindfulness is about slowing down, being fully present in the moment, and receiving that moment. The exact same words apply to the process of making photographs. For me, to photograph is to be fully present in the moment…

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Need Extra Income? Here Are 5 Ways to Get It Out of Your Home

By Riley Gibson September 15, 2022

If you’re feeling pinched these days, you’re not alone. The combination of pandemic, inflation and global events has dealt us all a wallop. And yet there are still bills to be paid, nest eggs to pad or replenish, home improvements to make and adventures…

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Honoring My Loved Ones in September, National Suicide Prevention Month

By Diana Raab September 14, 2022

Each year in September, I honor those who have died by suicide. Unfortunately, in my six decades of living, I have to report that I now know seven individuals who have taken their lives. They’re unrelated to each other, but all tragic…

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How to Move Past the Wounds of Estrangement and Find Relief

By Marie Morin September 13, 2022

Feeling numb, dumbfounded, angry, and depressed over the angst of being cut off from a family member is expected. Estrangement can occur with adult children, mothers, fathers, siblings, uncles, aunts, grandparents, and grandchildren…

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5 Tips to Get Back in Shape After 55

By Aubrey Reinmiller September 12, 2022

“I’m too old to get back in shape.” As a personal trainer who has worked with hundreds of women over the age of 55, I hear this all the time. It’s absolutely not true. Getting back in shape after 55 can be harder than when you were in your 20s, but it’s absolutely possible! 

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What Is Sarcopenia and How Can Older Adults Prevent Its Tragic Impacts?

By Sandra Feaster September 12, 2022

You may ask, what is sarcopenia? Is it a disease, an insect or food? Is it something we should fear? The answer is, “Yes and No.” The name itself sounds gross, but no, it is not a disease, insect, or food…

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Pushing 80 and Loving My Body

By Sheila Grinell September 11, 2022

Up until age 75, I felt 18 years old at the core. The girl I used to be still lived inside me and dictated my approach to life. That girl had always hungered to learn new things. She enjoyed traveling independently, taking a chance on whatever food and lodging…

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How to Align Your Home with Your Heart

By Heidi Smith September 11, 2022

Your home is intended to be your friend and safe place – comfortable and easy to be around, as well as a support to face the stress and tension beyond the front door. It is meant to be a personal, nourishing space where you…

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5 Secrets on How to Nourish Over-Dry and Processed Hair

By Suzanne Blons September 11, 2022

In my mid-20s, I yanked out my first silver hair with terror in my eyes. That sent a signal to the rest of the white follicles waiting in my scalp to immediately spout and cover my head as if fertilized by God’s very own growth hormone…

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