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Search Results for: learn language

Are You Adventurous?

By Cindy Boatman October 09, 2022

I’m certain the desire for adventure has been rooted deeply within me since childhood. This, coming from a person who equally craves a sense of safety and security! While the two may seem incompatible, in my experience they are not…

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Finding Happiness at Any Age Depends on These 6 Things

By Julie Ambachew October 08, 2022

As Dalai Lama once said, “Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.” Throughout life, we experience ups and downs with happiness. According to a recent study, happiness often declines from young adulthood through middle age…

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How Summer Helped Me to Get Ready for Fall and Winter

By Dami Roelse October 02, 2022

As the days shorten, the sunny hours become more precious. Taking a sunny afternoon walk, I reflect on everything that happened in the last six months of light, travel and a long hiking season. Did the spring and summer seasons transform me?

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Yes, You Can Realize Your Travel Dreams at Any Age!

By Carolyn Frick September 28, 2022

It seems that everybody has a bucket list these days, and for many of us that list includes travel. Even though my husband and I have been traveling together for over 20 years, our bucket list of places we want to go keeps getting longer…

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6 Lessons My Mother Taught Me About (Not) Aging Well

By Suzanne Mulligan-Born September 23, 2022

Sometimes we learn what to do from someone who did it all wrong. I found myself realizing I learned a lot from my mother after she turned 60 – but sadly, the lessons are not ones I want to repeat. My mother was the same age as I am now…

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Best Ways to Relieve Neck and Shoulder Pain from Computer Use

By Camilla Moore September 22, 2022

Do you spend hours at your computer every day? If so, you’re probably familiar with the pain and tension that can build up in your neck and shoulders. This blog post will discuss some of the best ways to relieve neck and shoulder pain…

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Finding Happiness After 60: Following Your Bliss Is Just Doing What You Love

By Noelle Nelson September 22, 2022

The phrase, “Follow your bliss,” was famously said by the author, Joseph Campbell. It seems like one of those New Age truisms that we respond to with, “Sounds nice, but who can afford to do that? Rock stars? Celebrities? Very rich people?”

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It’s Time to Head Back to School no Matter Your Age!

By Deborah Voll September 20, 2022

The mornings are cooler and that hint of fall is in the air! Yellow school buses are making the rounds, kids are back in school, and the excitement of a new bookbag, crayons, and various school supplies reminds us that a fresh start is exactly what we need…

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Let’s Talk About This Invisible Disability

By Di Castle September 18, 2022

Before television was widely available, few people understood the Deaf, often referring to them as “deaf and dumb” regardless of whether they spoke. In fact, the Margate School for the Deaf and Dumb was eventually renamed to remove the word “dumb….

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Want to Have Better Balance and a Sharper Brain in Your 60s? Try This Today!

By Claudine Aherne August 12, 2022

Do you want to have better balance? Would you also like to boost your brain fitness? Not only are both possible, but you can do them at the same time! Doing targeted balance exercises, at the right level for you…

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