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Search Results for: reinvent

How to Stay Fresh in Your Encore Career

By Delia Lloyd December 27, 2021

There’s an old expression that seasoned college professors like to invoke about teaching: “The first year you get it wrong. The second year you fix it. And the third year you’re bored.” As I settle into my third year running my…

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Practical Fall Fashion for Active Mature Women (VIDEO)

By Andrea Pflaumer November 02, 2021

The seasons are a-changing and that can be mood-elevating… or depressing, depending on how you feel about the fall. At the very least, it’s a time when you might be connecting with family and friends again, and that’s always (well, usually) mood elevating…

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“So, Now What?” Retirement Question #2

By Ardith Bowman October 15, 2021

In earlier stages of life – adolescence, young adult, midlife – our life focus usually is prescribed by society and family values. Thus, we generally know what is expected of us. For example, upon graduation from high school, we go on for more…

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How to Create the Much Needed “White Space”

By Delia Lloyd September 25, 2021

It’s always gratifying when the book you happen to pick up off the shelf is *exactly* the book you need to be reading. So it was with Dorie Clark’s The Long Game: How to be a Long Term Thinker in a Short-Term World. Allow me to set the scene…

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3 Steps to Rewrite Your Life Story In 2022

By Joanie Marx September 25, 2021

Before you know it, the holidays will arrive and soon after, a brand new year. With the unprecedented change and upheaval our world has undergone in the last 24 months, it may feel natural to wish for things to get back to some semblance of normal…

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6 Unusual Retirement Gift Ideas for Women

By Margaret Manning September 04, 2021

If you’re looking for unusual retirement gift ideas for women, I have you covered! Of course, the classic idea of a retirement gift is the “gold watch,” given by companies to retiring employees after decades of faithful service…

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6 Ways for an Older Woman to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

By Hilary Henderson July 22, 2021

Is this because necessity is the mother of invention, or is it simply that the number of 55-64-year-olds is on the rise? According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of women-owned firms also increased two-and-a-half times the national average…

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Wise Women Choose What Is in Season

By Ardith Bowman July 13, 2021

It is said, to everything there is a season. For some of us, our purpose is focused on caring for parents, family and/or work responsibilities. Some of us are exploring what we want next in life. Such freedom is both exhilarating/exciting…

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4 Fashion Over 50 Tips from Our Sisters in Italy and France

By Margaret Manning June 22, 2021

Whenever I travel, I am always amazed by the diverse ways that my sisters express their style around the world. The women in every single country – from the U.S. and Canada to Italy and France and everywhere in-between – have something special to share!

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Does Your Mother’s Legacy Shape Your Own?

By Kathleen M. Rehl May 04, 2021

The Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines legacy as “something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor from the past.” It’s common to hear about legacies “living on” today when they continue to affect those in the present…

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