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Search Results for: reinvent

7 Remarkable Ways to Help You Thrive After 60 (That You Probably Didn’t Consider)

By Sharon Blumberg October 13, 2022

At the beginning of the growing season, I purchased a beautiful flowering plant. It grows tall and its blooms are bright. The hot summer sun seemed to thwart its growth. I thought, “Well, that was a short blooming season…”

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Do You Allow Busyness to Overtake Your Life After 50 and Beyond?

By Delia Lloyd October 11, 2022

I was trying to plan an outing with a friend I’d not seen in a while. But when I looked at my calendar, I realized that my next window wasn’t for another month. “I’m really sorry,” I said…

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Do You Still Compare Yourself with Others, Even in Your 60s?

By Rebecca Olkowski September 13, 2022

You’d think that, after 60, we wouldn’t have a reason to compare ourselves with others. After all, we’ve already led full lives so why aren’t we comfortable in our own skin? The truth is, the comparison game is something many of us…

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5 Secret Weapons That Older Entrepreneurs Have and How to Use Them

By Hilary Henderson August 26, 2022

The obvious strength that older entrepreneurs bring to the business table is the stash of skills and knowledge acquired and built up over a 40-year career. But what are the secret weapons…

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5 Ways to Embrace a New Life Chapter

By Elise Christian August 19, 2022

Change can be daunting – and it can happen when we want it to or when we least expect it. But one thing that remains constant is that change is inevitable. It can be difficult to accept change because it can force us outside of our comfort zone…

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10 Steps to Starting a Food Rescue Organization in Your Community

By Janet Basilone July 08, 2022

Reducing food waste can help address hunger, reduce greenhouse gas while freeing up landfill space, and conserve water and other natural resources. Charities across the U.S. now ask food donors to assist them in serving healthier meals…

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Tips and Tricks for Developing Your Shopping Style After 60

By Penelope Jane Whiteley July 01, 2022

For most women, shopping is an inherited or possibly even genetic characteristic. We don’t need to take classes because most of us are born with a shopping degree. But we do need to follow certain guidelines if we are to be awarded…

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Tough Career Ending? Bounce Back and Get Ready for Retirement!

By Becki Cohn-Vargas June 20, 2022

I am not the only person I know in my 60s who had a bad work experience at the end of their career. One friend was in his hospital bed after cancer surgery when his boss told him he was being forced to retire. Another friend worked…

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5 Vacation Planning Tips for Dynamic Older Travelers

By Lynn Clare June 17, 2022

So, you’ve just booked your fantastic holiday or family vacation – now what? Getting ready to leave is much more complicated than just packing. There are so many arrangements that need to be made before leaving home. It doesn’t matter if…

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Is Age Threatening to Stifle Your Life Spark? Find Your Reason to Evolve into Your Best Self Ever

By Julia Hubbel June 15, 2022

No matter how old we are, it’s always exciting to have something to look forward to. Working, enjoying retirement, or a little of both. Anticipation is a lovely thing. Every year, I set major goals…

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