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Search Results for: reinvent

How to Re-Imagine a New Life Story and Regenerate Yourself After 60

By Astrid Longhurst June 30, 2023

I am at the stage in my life where I find myself reflecting on who I was and wondering who I desire to become. I have changed so much through the different stories of my life – from the demanding young woman who struggled so hard…

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4 Quick Healthy Breakfast Options to Get Your Day Off to a Great Start

By Carol Stanley April 27, 2023

There is always a lot of chatter about what to eat for breakfast and the importance of starting the day with a healthy choice. Many people feel if they skip breakfast they will lose weight. I have found that eating protein in the morning…

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A Tribute to the Amazing Women in the Sixty and Me Community

By Ann Richardson April 24, 2023

I have been writing for Sixty and Me for donkey’s years (a British expression meaning a long time), and it suddenly hit me this week that we are a rather amazing lot. Not the writers – I don’t know much about the other bloggers – but you, the readers…

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What Does Professional Success Really Mean?

By Delia Lloyd April 19, 2023

It wasn’t so long ago that I would have answered with a categorical “No.” After 30 years of zig-zagging in and out of assorted career paths, trying them on and then – Goldilocks-style – deciding they didn’t quite fit, I’ve never felt like a professional success…

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Dare to Dream Again After Being Hit by a Life Quake

By Rita Wilkins April 13, 2023

At some point in your life, you will go through “something.” That “something” could be the sudden death of a loved one, a nasty divorce, an unexpected financial crisis or a dreaded life slip. These “life quakes” are life-changing experiences…

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60 Creative Ways to Make Money in Retirement

By Margaret Manning April 07, 2023

Last year, I asked the women in our community how they make money in retirement. Their answers were amazing and showed just how creative our generation has become when it comes to supplementing our income in the best years of our lives…

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9 Podcasts for Women Over 50

By Sandra Roussy February 19, 2023

Do you enjoy listening to podcasts? They are quite similar to talk radio but listened to from your phone, tablet, or computer. You control what you want to listen to and when you want to listen. People from all walks of life record themselves talking about…

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10 Movies to Watch Starring Strong and Stylish Older Women

By Sandra Roussy February 05, 2023

It used to be that women over 60 were automatically dismissed from Hollywood and the film industry. Producers and casting directors seemed to think that older women didn’t have any value to bring to a movie and cast younger women…

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Childhood Fears Still Holding You Back? It’s Never Too Late to Overcome Them!

By Candace Johnson January 22, 2023

Was there something you really, really wanted to do when you were younger, but you walked away from it because you didn’t think you could do it? I loved to write. I mean, I loved it. I kept diaries, I had literally dozens of pen pals all over the world…

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How to Accept Life Changes You Didn’t Expect to Happen Over 60

By Terry Arzt January 17, 2023

Nine years ago, my husband and downsized and got rid of most of our furniture and belongings. We let go of things that had accumulated over the years. Saying goodbye to our friends and all that was familiar to us, we sold our home…

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