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Search Results for: reinvent

Give Yourself a Legacy Gift by Repurposing Meaningful Jewelry

By Kathleen M. Rehl December 11, 2020

After my husband died, I continued to wear my diamond ring on my left hand for almost a year. Then I shifted it to the right hand where I wore it for many more months. I kept moving it back and forth – left hand for a few days…

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4 Memoirs to Wrap Up for Others – or Yourself

By Pam Lamp November 19, 2020

This year has been a learning experience for all of us. During this season of thanking and giving and taking time to reflect on the wild ride of 2020, I bring you four of my favorite non-fiction books. All are memoirs revolving…

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Less Is More! 4 Reasons Most Older Women Need a Fashion Formula

By Penelope Jane Whiteley October 13, 2020

If you are a woman who follows the blogger, Instagram and Twitter fashionistas of the world, you have probably gained the impression that you need to wear something new and different every single day. Wrong!

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Why I Choose to Pay It Forward in the Work World

By Delia Lloyd October 12, 2020

I got a call the other day from a friend who’s looking to change careers in midlife. Knowing that I was a fellow traveler, she wanted to set up a time for us to talk so that I could give her some advice. I probably get a call…

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Why Your 60s Are the Best Time to Start a Business

By Lori Martinek August 18, 2020

Retirement has changed. A lot. Today it is more about transitions, rather than endings; more of a journey rather than a milestone. Read More

Feeling Isolated and Alone? Create an Extended Family from Scratch and Energize Your Golden Years!

By T. Kari Mitchell August 13, 2020

Don’t you wish you had interesting and enjoyable people to hang out with? Covid-19 has left many people feeling isolated and alone. Perhaps you were feeling disconnected even before the pandemic, wondering how to grow a network…

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Don’t Be Afraid to Brag! What Are *Your* Best Qualities?

By Paula Harer August 05, 2020

This is going to be an article all about me. That sounds like something you really want to read, right? You get to read about Paula Harer. It is your lucky day! Read More

Post Pandemic Funeral Service – Can We Find Some Normalcy?

By Alexandra Kathryn Mosca July 09, 2020

As the winter of 2020 turned to spring, the death toll from Covid-19 seemed insurmountable. For funeral directors, it was the darkest and most challenging time we’ve ever faced. In an industry built on personal contact and…

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6 Ways to Reimagine Your Life After the Empty Nest

By Ellen Bachmeyer July 08, 2020

Turning a new chapter as your children leave home can be a powerful moment to claim who you are more fully and explore new horizons for your life! Read More

Why You May Live to 120… and 4 Implications for Your Retirement Plan

By Sixty and Me April 05, 2020

One of the most important numbers that we need to consider as we build our retirement plans is our life expectancy. After all, our expectations regarding how long we are going to live influence everything…

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