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Search Results for: relationships

How to Find Your 7 Intangible Assets and What to Do With Them

By Hilary Henderson February 01, 2024

A tangible asset is one that you can touch, feel or see and you can trade. Some examples are your investments, car and house if you own them. If you neglect to do regular maintenance on your house, its value will gradually deflate…

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5 Ways to Recognize Your True Calling in Life After 60

By Ellen Bachmeyer January 29, 2024

Everybody has a calling. Your real job in life is to figure out why you are here and get about the business of doing it. I love this quote by Oprah! She is a beautiful living example of renewing what it means to embrace purpose and meaning at every stage of life…

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Tips for Healthy Hearing in Your 60s and Up!

By Keith Darrow January 25, 2024

Do you often find yourself asking someone to repeat what they’ve just said? When you go out to dinner, do you have issues hearing your loved ones or friends during the conversation? Do you find yourself turning up the volume…

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You Can Reduce Stress and Enhance Purpose in 2024

By Linda Wattier January 24, 2024

When did you last think about what you value most in life? Research shows that recognizing and living according to your values creates a richer sense of purpose. Also, it turns out that one of the best ways to significantly reduce stress is to spend…

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5 Not-So-Easy Ways to Navigate Around a Narcissist

By Michelle Hill January 21, 2024

It is a challenging journey to navigate around a narcissist, yet it is a necessary step towards reclaiming your emotional autonomy. Let’s face it: those of us in our 60s and beyond have weathered the storms of relationships, whether married or single…

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Ageless Bonds: An Exploration of the Vital Importance of Friendships as We Grow Older

By Diane Bruno January 20, 2024

In the fabric of life, friendships are the threads that weave through our journey, creating a vibrant pattern that only deepens with time. As we age, the value of these connections becomes immeasurable, contributing significantly to our emotional…

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Does Estrangement Impact Mental Health Differently in Men and Women?

By Marie Morin January 19, 2024

Estrangement, a universal emotional and psychological phenomenon, significantly influences the well-being of individuals. In this blog post, we will delve into the complexities of estrangement, examining its unique impact on both men’s…

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Soothe Your Pain with This Beautiful Body Love Exercise!

By Astrid Longhurst January 19, 2024

Loving our body can be challenging when we are experiencing any kind of pain. Whether it’s physical, mental or emotional pain that we feel, the last thing that many of us want to do is to stay with it, love it and befriend it. However, these are the very…

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Yes, You Can Design Your Mind

By Alainnah Robertson January 17, 2024

The human mind is a complex and powerful entity that has been a subject of fascination and exploration throughout history. In our quest for self-improvement and personal growth, we often seek ways to design and shape our minds…

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Moving Forward Toward Goals in 2024 Takes Guts

By Linda Ward January 16, 2024

Do you find it easier in retirement to sit back, not ruffle any feathers, be ok with the status quo? This can be in your work, your relationships or in the day-to-day energy needed for any accomplishment. To complete a goal, we need courage…

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