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Search Results for: relationships

Can Long-Term Friendships Endure in Later Life?

By Alexandra Kathryn Mosca February 10, 2024

Our girlfriends see us through the best and worst of life. In times of heartbreak, failure, and success, they are there for us. We share each other’s innermost secrets and celebrate special times together. These relationships, which can be so essential…

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The Hidden Life-Changing Power of Decluttering

By Rita Wilkins February 09, 2024

Who could have guessed that the cathartic process of purging and decluttering one woman’s home one drawer, one closet, one room at a time could change the direction and trajectory of life forever? What began as an attempt to help…

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Dating on Valentine’s Day: Yes or No?

By Andrea McGinty February 09, 2024

Oh, February 14 – love it or ignore it! It makes me think of the movie Love Actually, and all the types of love in the world – romantic, unrequited, familial, love across languages and races, love despite status, love after death, brotherly/sisterly love…

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Embracing Change and Cultivating Fulfillment: A Life Coach’s Guide to Thriving in Your 60s and Beyond

By Diane Bruno February 08, 2024

At a time when the saying “life is too short” resonates more deeply, the idea of settling into a stagnant existence in later years is rapidly and happily becoming obsolete! The millennial and Z generations, with their emphasis on passion, purpose…

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The Bitter Sweetness of Becoming a Grandparent After 70

By Alice Fisher February 07, 2024

I am 73 years old, and my husband is 74. Our oldest granddaughters are 22 and 18, and two years ago we became grandparents again. Our youngest son, who married later than his older brothers, had his first baby, a boy, at 40. This precious boy…

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How to Make the Most of Life in Your 60s

By Joan Senio February 04, 2024

Our 60s can be an exciting phase of life filled with new possibilities and opportunities. It’s a time to reflect on achievements, recognize our own wisdom, and perhaps nurture ourselves a little more than we’ve done in the last few decades…

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Grandparenting Matters in All Generations

By Marlene Anne Bumgarner February 04, 2024

My first thought when my oldest daughter told me she was expecting my first grandchild was “at last!” I was 64 years old, with four adult children more focused on their careers than on starting families. Most of my friends were already grandparents…

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Do People Ever Really Change? Navigating the Depths and Complexities of Personal Transformation

By Diane Bruno February 02, 2024

We have all encountered individuals who, for various reasons, let us down and led to the dissolution of relationships. The universe, however, has a peculiar way of orchestrating reunions, reigniting the age-old question – do people ever truly change?

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How to Overcome 10 Challenges to Loving More of Yourself

By Joanie Marx February 02, 2024

Love is in the air. From movies, articles, gifts, and restaurants to our own thoughts, everywhere we turn in the month of February, we are reminded of love. For many people over 60, however, Valentine’s Day is a painful reminder of love lost…

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Purpose – Are You Finding It or Creating It?

By Kay Van Norman February 01, 2024

Have you ever noticed how the new year springs from the holidays and then suddenly it’s February? So often I wake up one morning in late January and realize the new year with all its promise of new beginnings is already gaining steam for better or worse…

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