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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

3 years ago

12 Simple Habits of Waste Reduction Any Mature Woman Can Follow

The smallest things can make the biggest difference, especially when it comes to the environment. Plastic pollution is one of the major causes of environmental degradation in the world. It’s speeding up global warming and is killing our nature…

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3 years ago

What Happens to Cremated Remains Thereafter?

Families often view cremation as a final disposition, like burial or entombment. It is not, and that means some important decisions must be made. Unfortunately, families often put off deciding what to do with the cremated remains…

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3 years ago

Boredom in Retirement: 3 Strategies “The Monk Dude” Urges Us to Explore

Did you know that depression is the number one complaint of newly retired women? In fact, boredom is a key symptom. Mistakenly, many women turn to different forms of distraction (TV or Internet surfing) to feel better…

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3 years ago

Never Hungry? Steps You Can Take to Keep You Cooking

Eventually, to maintain a healthy diet, you must cook. Two years after moving to Mexico part-time, I began writing a cookbook, The Lazy Expat: Healthy Recipes That Translate in Mexico. It’s for travelers, snowbirds and expats trying to cook “their food” in Mexico…

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3 years ago

Downsize Your Possessions – Your Way

The colonial furniture had made its way from my childhood bedroom to my first apartment and my next four places of residence, but now that I was downsizing and leaving my home of 36 years, it was time to say goodbye. In Marie Kondo fashion…

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3 years ago

Books for Everyone on Your Holiday List

Don’t most of us love to receive books? How much fun is it to unwrap a cookbook we wouldn’t think of buying for ourselves? Or flip through the novel we’ve heard so much about? Or snuggle with a grandchild as we share a picture book?

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3 years ago

Jump OFF the Black Friday Bandwagon – Don’t Buy Ask Why

Black Friday signals one of the biggest shopping days of the year. TV adverts, social media posts, newspapers, magazines, billboards – everywhere we turn there is someone somewhere prompting us to buy the next new thing. I don’t know about you…

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3 years ago

Finding Cherished Friendship in Times of Adversity

I have just finished reading “These Precious Days”, an essay written by Ann Patchett, published in Harper’s Magazine. I loved it so much the first time; I re-read it for a second. I feel ridiculously close to Ann after reading this candid…

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3 years ago

The Energizing Power of Doing New Things Every Day

I was conflicted about turning 70 this past summer. Understatement. We all aspire to reach our 70s, or to reach what we consider old age. For me, 70 feels old, or at least, a lot! We take care of our health all our lives, so that we can have long lives…

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3 years ago

10 Questions to Help You Measure Your Awesome Life After 60

If you want to measure how your life is going, first slow down the endless, mindless mental chatter. Take 10 minutes a day to decrease the incessant conversations you have with yourself. There’s no best friend in your head. It’s just you!

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