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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

2 years ago

To Buy or to Build, That Is the Question

So you are ready to buy or build a home that fits your retirement needs, but which is the better choice? Is buying an existing home the cheaper, least stressful choice or is building a new home the most efficient and satisfying choice?

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2 years ago

How Our Relationship with Time Changes During Retirement

Before I retired, I was a great time manager. I’d transition to a new activity at 9:16AM then to another one at 10:12AM and so on throughout the day. Bells would ring, bracketing precise pockets of time, neatly managed. Such was working life in a public school…

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2 years ago

6 Ways Adopting a Pet Can Improve Your Live as an Older Woman

I’ve always loved dogs, but allergies in the household kept me from having one. After a painful divorce 18 years ago, I decided to buy a little non-shedding poodle/terrier. On the way home from the pet store I tried out a raft of names…

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2 years ago

Fabulous Ways to Celebrate Fall!

I have a deeply rooted love affair with fall. Even as a little girl, I sensed something magical about the season. Jumping into raked piles of leaves in our yard was a favorite activity. On Halloween, my best friend and I trick-or-treated door to door…

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2 years ago

We Need to Talk About the Most Important Human Skill

As a psychotherapist and podcaster, I thought I had pretty much mastered the art of conversation. Sure, I knew I had a couple of bad habits, like interrupting and repeating myself, and I’ve had clients get confused at my…

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2 years ago

It’s Time to Head Back to School no Matter Your Age!

The mornings are cooler and that hint of fall is in the air! Yellow school buses are making the rounds, kids are back in school, and the excitement of a new bookbag, crayons, and various school supplies reminds us that a fresh start is exactly what we need…

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2 years ago

Suitcase Closet Clearing – or How I Got My Closet in Order

No matter how often I clean out my closet, I always seem to accumulate more clothes than I ever need. Some old, some new, and most that I know I will never wear. Every time the season changes, I set a new goal of clearing out the excess…

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2 years ago

How to Deal with Discrimination at Work

Thousands of people across the globe experience discrimination at work every year, so it’s important to know what to do if it happens to you. To discriminate against someone means to treat them unfairly because of who…

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2 years ago

It’s Time to Have “The Estate Plan Talk”

While many may recognize that drafting a will is an essential part of their estate plan, most don’t realize that it is an instrument for communicating your intentions. Although it functions as a statement of your estate wishes, it won’t help your children…

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2 years ago

Decluttering My Space One Jar at a Time!

I’m 72. I’ve moved seven times in the last 20 years, and I pear down with each move. I still feel like I have too much stuff! When I talk to my friends, especially ones that are around my age, we eventually get to the subject of downsizing, moving…

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