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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

5 months ago

Caring for the Caregiver: 6 Ways to Get Help and Improve Your Health

Caring for the caregiver is a key component in long-term caregiving. Without help, you’re more likely to become exhausted and severely stressed. That often leads to serious health problems and limits your ability to care for others…

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5 months ago

Back Pain: How It Becomes a Chronic Problem for Baby Boomers

You are not alone if you’re experiencing back pain. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 7.6 million older adults suffer from back and spine problems. That is more than twice the number of disabilities caused by heart problems…

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5 months ago

Your Health Matters Too: How to Stop Putting Yourself Last with Your Health

There are a lot of amazing positives to being an older woman, over 50 or better! We have earned the right to call ourselves wise. With the kids older, or moved away, we have time to focus on ourselves more. By age or design, we stop caring so much…

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5 months ago

Need It Now: Skills-Based Training for Caregivers

Given the critical nature of caregiving and the skills required, can you actually teach someone to be a family caregiver? After all, there are so many learning platforms out there, surely, you can tune in somewhere and get the knowledge you need to succeed, right?

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6 months ago

Do You Know Your Own City? 5 Benefits You Can Gain from Taking a Walking Tour

I love to travel. Yet because I have someone at home undergoing medical treatments, it’s been hard to leave town. Instead, I’ve been booking walking tours in my hometown of Los Angeles. It gives me a chance to get away, explore the city…

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6 months ago

Take Good Care of Your Joints Now – They Will Thank You Later!

I am a firm believer in the adage that an “ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” when it comes to my health. That’s why I usually don’t wait for symptoms to tell me whether I need to do something to take better care of myself…

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6 months ago

Why Are Older People Drinking More?

Alcohol use among senior citizens is on the rise. Although historically older adults were less likely to drink than younger adults, recent studies show that older adults are now drinking more frequently and in larger quantities than in the past…

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6 months ago

Strong Roots for a Strong You

I find myself drawn to big and mighty trees whose branches extend wide in all directions. I can sit for long periods of time, staring at their majesty and absorbing their beauty, strength and energy. It feels like communing directly with God…

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6 months ago

Did You Know You Are More Beautiful When You Are Outside in Nature

Did you know that you’re more attractive when you’re out in nature? It’s like a beauty makeover from Mother Nature herself. And this is why. It’s all about blood flow and the amazing symphony it creates in your body. Your automatic nervous system…

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6 months ago

How to Effectively Communicate with Your Doctor

Poor communication between patient and doctor may adversely affect medical care. Successful physician-patient dialogue is the cornerstone of health. These conversations often prove challenging. There are things you can do to enhance…

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