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Finding Happiness

What are the keys to finding happiness after 60? How can we learn to be more positive in the best years of our lives? For starters, we must learn to manage our expectations. We must also put a high priority on our health and social relationships. But, this is just the beginning.

2 years ago

Learn to Feel Younger While Getting Older

Recently, Jane Fonda, aged 85, spoke of one of the essential aspects of ageing gracefully. What could it be, I wondered – staying healthy? Keeping moving? Having younger people around you? Actually, it was none of that.

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2 years ago

60 and Estranged? What You Need to Know About Happiness and 3 Keys to Personal Growth

Family estrangement for women in their 60s is more common than you think. More than 70 million people in the United States report experiencing estrangement from family members. For some, estrangement is a choice due to self-preservation…

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2 years ago

Need Balance in Your Life? Check Your Wellness Wheel!

To draw your wellness wheel start with six pages, each having one dimension at the top and a vertical line down the middle with Deposits on one side and Withdrawals on the other. Using the brief overviews below, list “deposits” supporting well-being…

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2 years ago

Which Way Are You Rowing? 8 Actionable Ideas to Go with the Easy Flow of Life

As we age, it’s a good idea to do a “self-check-in” from time to time about which direction your life is going. Upstream or downstream? For this, you need to go “inside.” A self-introspection. Ask yourself, “How am I rowing my boat…

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2 years ago

5 Awesome Tips You Need to Know About Ageless Energy!

When I was a child, I was constantly being told to quiet down and not to make so much noise. I had an exuberance for life and was always excited by what the day would bring. However, after being told repeatedly that I was too loud…

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2 years ago

The Myth of Physical Beauty (VIDEO)

Growing up we all heard the phrase, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” This means beauty is subjective and represents different things to different people. But what about physical beauty? How does a radically diverse perception of physical beauty…

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2 years ago

How to Feel Wealthy in Retirement

We all have been led to believe that our lives would be so much happier if we were wealthy. The dictionary definition of wealth means to have an abundance of money or possessions. Many books have been written with titles such as How to Get Rich…

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2 years ago

How Nature Can Make Life More Enjoyable After 60

Ahh, spring! The days get longer, the frogs are singing their songs in the evening. The first sprouts bring hope and inspiration and show the power of hope and perseverance. The growth continues. The grasses get taller…

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2 years ago

Continuing to Push Through Anxiety After 50

There has not been a day in my life where I have not woken up to some level of anxiety since I was five years old. I’m 60. There are varying levels of it, depending on what’s going on in my life or what might be on the schedule for that particular…

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2 years ago

Over 60? Embrace the 3 P’s – Pleasure, Purpose and Passion!

Living in your 60s marks a time when either retirement has arrived or it’s certainly on the horizon. You’re ready to knuckle down on happiness and health and bring together the threads of your life tapestry…

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