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Dealing with Grief and Fears

Grief is a part of life. This doesn't make it easy to deal with. Maybe you have a fear of dying. Perhaps you're dealing with the loss of a loved one. You are not alone. We're here to help.

10 months ago

When Adversity Strikes – Use It for Growth

Winston Churchill once said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Let’s not just get through the difficulties of our challenges and our adversities, let’s grow through them. Otherwise, what a waste to have them! The old saying, “When life gives you lemons…

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10 months ago

Suddenly Single over the Holidays: A Difficult Time to Make Good Cheer

As the holiday season approaches, I often think about those who are Suddenly Single – and have recently experienced life-altering events such as divorce, widowhood, or separation. Especially during the holidays, overwhelming feelings…

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11 months ago

Can Gratitude Stall Healing? Yes, When It’s Forced!

As a life coach for widows, I often talk with people who are using gratitude against themselves. Self-inflicted, forced gratitude is how many people attempt to kick themselves into a better emotional state. It isn’t effective…

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11 months ago

How to Stop Worrying When You Feel Stuck

When you are having anxiety or you are worrying excessively, days and nights become fretful and wearisome. Chaotic thoughts and feelings disrupt any sense of calm or hope. Staying preoccupied and distracted creates frustration and overwhelm…

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11 months ago

3 Japanese Concepts to Enrich Your Life

The island of Okinawa in Japan is one of the longevity hot-spots of the world. That means it’s been identified as one of the five Blue Zones – areas where people live the longest and are the healthiest. Several beautiful concepts…

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11 months ago

Death: Life’s Final Transition

It’s Halloween season! I know because a walk down the streets of our quiet neighbourhood means bumping into a few skeletons if not disembodied heads. While this is the time for us to think about the light side of death, our western attitude…

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11 months ago

Is There a Right Time to Declutter After You Have Lost Someone?

When we have lost a partner, parent, child, or friend, grief overwhelms us so much that it is hard to make the simplest of decisions. For some, busying ourselves with the practical things that need to happen when a loved one has passed…

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12 months ago

Widows Rock! Thriving in Stage 3 of Widowhood

My husband died in my arms right before Valentine’s Day 16 years ago. I soon found a quote by Alan Watts that became my mantra for many months afterward as I moved through the initial phases of widowhood: “The only way to make sense out of change…

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12 months ago

How to Stop Being a Worry Wart

If you’re a worry wart, you are definitely not alone. I was a worrier for a long time. I thought worry was just a part of life. There was really no way to get around. It just happens. You live with it until the worrisome situation blows over and you can breathe again…

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12 months ago

Anxiety in Women Over 60: Spot It and Conquer It Today!

Mental health issues are not uncommon as we age, and anxiety can be among the most common challenges to well-being we face as women over 60. Anxiety may occur in isolation or in conjunction with depression and cognitive decline…

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