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Adult Children

1 year ago

My Mother, Myself: Grace Can Be Found

My neighbor, Heidi, recently told me, “I’ve forgiven my mother, but I won’t go to her funeral.” My friend Lynne has not communicated with her mother in 30 years. She occasionally trolls for a death certificate because, as the only child, there might be something…

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1 year ago

How to Divorce Your Adult Children and Restore Your Sanity

I am known for exposing the “elephant in the living room.” Those things everybody knows but nobody is talking about. Not every mother-daughter relationship reads like a Hallmark card, and our culture makes that a shameful secret to bear…

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1 year ago

The Detachment Wall: How to Let Go of Your Adult Children

Some of us moms have a problem with our attachment to our children, to the point where the bond can become unhealthy. Can we love our children but not let their choices or behavior make us crazy? Is some detachment actually a good idea?

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1 year ago

Want to Avoid Daughter-in-Law Problems? Let Go to Hold on!

If a mother-in-law has trust and faith in her son, it should give her the confidence to let go and let her son live his own life. She can learn to play a different role and find new interests to occupy her newfound time. Life changes force us to play…

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1 year ago

Parenting Adult Children: How to Respond When Your Child Has a Problem

One of the most challenging and rewarding thresholds in life can be talking to your adult child when they come to you with a problem. This is it is a statement of love and trust. Sometimes knowing what to say to them, and how and when to say it…

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2 years ago

The Fascinating Evolution of the Mother-Daughter Relationship Over 6 Decades and More

Motherhood in America is based on a myth. We are taught to believe that we can parent perfectly when we can’t. The myth also says that we parent better than our parents and that we can change the pattern for future generations…

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2 years ago

Dear Son-in-Law-to-Be: A Letter

The role of mother-in-law is all over the place. As with most of your relatives, it’s not your choice to be related to the person who makes you a mother-in-law. But unlike your “blood” relatives, it is someone’s choice: your child’s. So this new person…

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2 years ago

What Is the Best Thing About Seeing Your Adult Children Grow Older?

Have your adult children reached 50? My daughter has. How did that happen? I was 50 myself only a few months ago – or so it seems. When it comes to our children, time seems to work at a different pace. We do what we do…

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2 years ago

When People Ask About My Estranged Children… What Can I Say?

Being an abandoned mom is more widespread than most people think. When asked about estranged children (parents, or family members), we are put in the awkward position of what to say. Saying too much, not saying enough…

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2 years ago

60 and Estranged from an Adult Child? How Not to Deal with It

Estrangement is a widespread and stigmatized condition when an individual cuts ties with one or more family members. Over one-quarter of the population deals with either an adult child or another family member’s decision to disconnect…

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