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Adult Children

1 year ago

Morning Coffee and Other Empty Nester Opportunities

“Don’t let the door hit you in the #@!& (rear end)!” This was the comment one father made to me when sharing that his son was graduating from high school and moving out. My first reaction hearing that was “How sad!” Of course…

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1 year ago

How to Deal with Estranged Adult Kids When You Did Your Best

Dealing with the estrangement of adult children, especially after putting forth your utmost effort as a parent, is undoubtedly one of life’s most heart-wrenching experiences. Being disconnected despite having dedicated years to their upbringing…

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1 year ago

Giving Your Money Away (To Your Kids)

I have just handed a small fortune to my offspring to help them to buy properties and, in one case, to contribute towards IVF treatment. We all do it, if we are in a position to, of course. My mother was the same: she was generous to me…

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1 year ago

Let’s Talk About Our Lifelong Search for Intimacy

If the infamous ‘man from Mars’ were to suddenly arrive on this earth, what would he think that people were all about? From scanning traditional media, not to mention social media, I would surmise that he would see a search for wealth…

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1 year ago

Financial Umbilical Cord or Lifeline? 7 Discernment Tips for Assisting Adult Children

We are a blended family with four children. It was far from easy to deal with financial decisions as they grew up. Now ensconced in their adult lives, it continues to be challenging to discern if, when, and how to financially walk alongside them…

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1 year ago

Multigenerational Travel: Creating Unforgettable Experiences for the Whole Family

Imagine a holiday filled with laughter, shared stories, and endless love, as multiple generations of your family come together to embark upon the journey of a lifetime. Multigenerational travel is a movement that allows precious…

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1 year ago

Your Adult Children Are All Grown Up. Get Over It!

Having children is overrated. The idea is you raise your kids until they’re 18 and it’s over. No, it isn’t. It’s never over because your those kids become your parents when they grow up. My children are grown and I’d love to get over them, but I can’t…

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1 year ago

Get Your Own House Back! Stop Being a Repository for Other People’s Stuff! (VIDEO)

If there is one thing we all noticed a little more of during the Covid lockdown, it was the amount of clutter we had accumulated and the impact it can have on how we feel in our own homes. Perhaps for the first time, you clearly felt the impact…

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1 year ago

3 Things You Can Do to Prepare for the Empty Nest

Releasing your kids to adulthood is a mixed blessing. You are both proud and saddened. They are embracing maturity and that’s a good thing! But your home will change after they leave, and that can be a confusing prospect. Now is the time to prepare yourself for these…

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1 year ago

The Best Reason Your Kids Should Become Young Parents

Many of us whose children have entered their 30s are still waiting to become grandparents. We understand that our kids have every right to make their own decisions about when and whether to become parents. If they never want to have children…

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