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Search Results for: books

You Don’t Have to Face Ageism Alone! We Can Do it Together!

By Sixty and Me June 23, 2017

Discrimination is a dirty word. And yet, we encounter it every day in many forms. What does ageism mean in our society? Join us in conversation with ageism author and activist Ashton Applewhite, who will tell us more about some things we can do toward erasing our own ageist mentality. Read More

Hurtful Things People Say When You Lose a Pet – and How You Can Respond

By Wendy Van de Poll June 14, 2017

If you have ever experienced the loss of a pet, you know the pain is deep, raw and genuine. These emotions of grief are real and the last thing you need is someone saying something hurtful to you. Read More

You Are Never Too Old to Join a Book Club!

By Patricia Sands June 12, 2017

There are people who love chatting about books. Then there are others who have no desire to join a book club. Which are you?

If you believe you are the latter, please continue, gentle reader. Read More

Grandmother Remembers: What 3 Things Would You Pass on to Your Grandkids?

By Sherry Bronson June 11, 2017

The 27-hour flight back to Bali from the U.S. socked it to me this time. So, while I was un-jetlagging and housebound, I rummaged through reading material, organized drawers and, in the process, stumbled upon Grandmother Remembers. Read More

Reaching Your Potential After 60: What is Your Highest and Best Use?

By Jeff Henning May 24, 2017

The concept of highest and best use (HBU) originated with economists who conceptualized the idea of maximum productivity. Read More

Hip Hip Hooray! How to Get Through a Hip Replacement with Grace and Positivity

By Elizabeth Dunkel May 20, 2017

My hip hurt for years; I started limping. But I lived with the pain because I didn’t want to pay attention to it when there were so many more interesting things to do! When friends suggested hip replacement, I recoiled. Hip replacement was a dirty word in my life…

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Finally Out of the Fast Lane? Retire Overseas in the Tropics!

By Cat Wheeler May 19, 2017

Almost 20 years ago I moved to a small town in Bali, Indonesia. At 65 I’m still here, part of a vibrant community of expat elders who have chosen a very different path in retirement. Read More

How to Self-Publish a Book at Any Age: First, Avoid These 5 Mistakes!

By Debra Englander May 17, 2017

Working with first-time authors to complete and publish their work is incredibly rewarding. Helping people nurture and develop a concept, research a subject or share a personal story is exciting for both the author and me, in my role as coach and book shepherd. Read More

5 Dieting Mistakes When it Comes to Menopause Weight Gain

By Caroline Apovian May 04, 2017

Many of my middle-aged women patients ask me similar versions of the same question: why isn’t this weight loss technique that has always worked for me in the past working now?

The answer lies in the complex ways that our hormones change and impact our metabolisms during perimenopause. Read More

The Surprising Relationship Between Dementia and Faith Communities

By June Andrews May 03, 2017

Nearly everyone knows someone affected by dementia. I’ve been exploring how faith communities can give practical support to people affected. Religious books such as the Bible and the Quran emphasise the importance of caring for the sick, the old, the frail and our parents. But people are not sure how to do that. Read More