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Search Results for: Tai Chi

The Benefit of Seeing What You Can Achieve at Your Age

By Mary Lou Harris June 02, 2022

In May, I was fortunate to compete in the National Senior Games, a multi-event held for competition for athletes 50 years of age and older. This year, the youngest competitor was age 50 and the oldest competitor was age 103…

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How to Maintain an Active Lifestyle if You Have Knee Arthritis?

By Lynn Perkes May 23, 2022

The use of medications in the treatment of arthritis has been the treatment recommendation along with recommendation for increasing or maintaining activity. Unfortunately, many remain under the belief that exercise therapy…

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Teaching Style to Your Grandchildren: Fun Shopping with the Next Generation

By Andrea Pflaumer May 20, 2022

Not all that long ago, women over 60 were relegated to the hinterlands of style. Phrases like “dressing like your grandma” or “dressing like an old lady” were the unkindest dig one could make about someone’s attire…

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3 Steps to Maintaining Youthful, Beautiful Skin

By Alisa Sabin May 19, 2022

Everyone would love to have gorgeous, flawless skin, but what is the secret to success? For much of the past couple of years, we have been covering half of our face. We’ve suffered maskne, indentations, and half facial tans…

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5 Ways to Help Your Grandchildren Recover from Losing a Pet

By Wendy Van de Poll May 09, 2022

There are many ways that you can support your grandchild with pet loss. Your grandchild may look to you to help them through their feelings of grief and mourning, to help them understand that death is normal. These five tips…

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Why Having Adult Children Is Such a Different Experience

By Ann Richardson April 04, 2022

Have you ever stopped to think about how very odd it is to have children? It is, when you come to think about it, one of the most peculiar things we ever do. The decision to have children is an enormous leap in the dark, with very little control…

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Why Your Children and Grandchildren Should Avoid Student Loans

By Elaine Ambrose March 13, 2022

Graduation time is here, and families will join to celebrate an important milestone in the lives of their graduates. Mixed with all the elaborate pomp and circumstance should be the harsh reality that student loans could make them indentured victims…

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4 Essential Knee Exercises to Make Climbing Stairs Easier and Pain-Free

By Todd Kuslikis March 07, 2022

You are standing at the bottom of that dreaded staircase once again. All you want is that maroon blouse from the armoire in the attic. Why would climbing 13 six-inch elevations feel like surmounting Mount Everest…

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Reminiscing About Distant Grandchildren

By Ann Richardson March 04, 2022

When my first grandson was born nearly 16 years ago, I was busy with my work and my own life. His parents lived an hour away from my house, which made two hours travelling if I did the round trip on the same day…

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5 Ways Women Over 60 Can Maintain Healthy Joints and Overcome Arthritis

By Sarah Brewer February 21, 2022

Few people escape joint aches and pains, however gracefully they age. Over 100 different types of arthritis can cause symptoms of pain, swelling, stiffness and restricted movement. Arthritis literally means inflammation of the joints…

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