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Search Results for: Tai Chi

What Is the Best Thing About Seeing Your Adult Children Grow Older?

By Ann Richardson January 10, 2023

Have your adult children reached 50? My daughter has. How did that happen? I was 50 myself only a few months ago – or so it seems. When it comes to our children, time seems to work at a different pace. We do what we do…

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Searching for a Roommate Online? How to Protect Yourself from the Most Common Scams

By Riley Gibson December 27, 2022

Open to the idea of living with a roommate to save on monthly costs, but worried about charting the unknown on internet listing sites? Having a hard time keeping up with all of the latest scams that may pop up during an online roommate search?

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When People Ask About My Estranged Children… What Can I Say?

By Linda Ward December 06, 2022

Being an abandoned mom is more widespread than most people think. When asked about estranged children (parents, or family members), we are put in the awkward position of what to say. Saying too much, not saying enough…

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60 and Estranged from an Adult Child? How Not to Deal with It

By Marie Morin November 14, 2022

Estrangement is a widespread and stigmatized condition when an individual cuts ties with one or more family members. Over one-quarter of the population deals with either an adult child or another family member’s decision to disconnect…

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8 Things to Teach Your Grandchildren About Online Safety

By Judi Jacobs October 19, 2022

Bonding with your grandkids can take many different forms. As the children get older, grandparents can take a back seat, or be a source of reassurance, confidential communications, and words of wisdom…

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5 Ways to Raise More Compassionate Grandchildren

By Diane Lansing October 18, 2022

We all hope to see our grandchildren grow up to be happy, healthy, productive and compassionate adults. The part about compassion becomes a huge challenge in today’s world where media frequently spews out negativity and prods us to criticise others…

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6 Reasons Why Reducing Our Waste Is Crucial for Our Grandchildren’s Future

By Harriet Simonis October 08, 2022

If you’re worried about the world your children and grandchildren will inherit, you’re not alone. Global warming, an ocean with more plastic than fish and toxic air that can cause diseases. These are just a few things that we could pass onto future generations…

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How to Deal with Having an Estranged Adult Child

By Christine Field October 08, 2022

Mothering is filled with both blessings and pain. Not too long ago, one of my children was estranged from me. It was not how I envisioned a relationship with an adult child. At the time, I wasn’t completely sure where she was living and had no reliable way to contact her…

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Have You Had “The Talk” with Your Adult Children?

By Rita Call September 25, 2022

If we haven’t already, we need to make sure we’ve had “the talk” with our children by the time we reach retirement. This does not refer to the infamous sex talk we have with our children during their pre-teen stage, but about our end-of-life…

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How Much Parenting of Adult Children Is Too Much?

By Debra Englander September 12, 2022

“How’s everything?” I innocently asked someone whom I hadn’t seen in a long time. She immediately said everything was fine. She added that one child was entering high school and the other starting his senior year in high school so…

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