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Search Results for: relationships

Mercury Retrograde? What’s the Fuss All About?

By Elena Karplus July 02, 2020

Yesterday, I was on the phone with my sister, who lives and is quarantined in Buenos Aires. She was complaining that so many different things around the house needed fixing. As she was telling me about her broken electric oven…

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Let’s Embrace the Power of Positive Ageing!

By Lori Martinek June 19, 2020

You can be happier and healthier as you grow older by embracing positive ageing. Read More

Not All Retirement Stress is Bad – So, Throw Some Piranhas in the Fish Tank!

By Sixty and Me June 14, 2020

Almost all of us want to reduce the stress in our lives as we enter retirement. After decades of screaming kids, performance reviews, road rage and social pressure, we are finally ready to relax and take it easy a bit…

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Waiting Until Retirement to Find Your First Consulting Gig is a HUGE Mistake! 4 Ways to Start Early

By Sixty and Me June 12, 2020

In a previous article, I argued that announcing your retirement at work is one of the biggest financial mistakes that you can make. Not only can talking about your retirement result in lower compensation towards the end of your career, but, it can also limit your ability to work as a consultant, either for your ex-employer or one of the companies that you worked with in the past. Read More

5 Things I Learned about Meditation, Mindfulness and Myself from a One-Month Mindfulness Challenge

By Sue Loncaric June 10, 2020

Do you meditate or take time each day to be more mindful and present in your life? Do you feel sometimes that your mind is over-loaded, and you just can’t focus? Do you feel anxious and stressed? Read More

How to Get Rid of Stuff When You Have a Hard Time Getting Rid of Stuff

By Angela Horn June 09, 2020

Whenever I tell people about our minimalist lifestyle they invariably say they love the idea but have a hard time letting go of stuff. My partner and I don’t really get…

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Are You Ready for Boomer Bootcamp? You’d Better!

By Joan Craig June 08, 2020

When we start a new job, we often go through a training program, in which we learn the essential skills for the challenges ahead. New military recruits go to base training. But what about recent retirees?

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How to Fight Loneliness: Advice From 50 Real Women

By Sixty and Me May 30, 2020

Loneliness is a big issue for older women. With our children out of the house, many of the “automatic” relationships that supported us in the past are no longer available. In addition, many of us have gone through a divorce or lost our partner. So, today, I want to share some advice from 50 of […]

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I Am a Mother-in-Law! These 5 Tips Should Be a Reminder to Follow

By Mary Lou Harris May 27, 2020

Life is surely full of relationships. We are born the child in relationship to our parents, and we may simultaneously become someone’s brother or sister. In our extended family, we will likely have grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins. Read More

Downsizing After 60: Are You Surrounded by Too Much Stuff and Need to Let it Go?

By Rebecca Olkowski May 17, 2020

Is your home filled with mementos and paperwork, or your closets stuffed with clothes? Are you or a person you live with a hoarder? Read More