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Search Results for: Yoga

6 Things to Change to Get to a Healthy Weight After 60

By Sixty and Me August 29, 2019

There was a time that I cared about my weight because of the impact that it had on my appearance. Now, I just want to stay healthy and active for as long as possible. I want to travel, dance and play for the rest of my life! So, in this morning’s video, I thought that […]

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What is a Geriatrician and When Do You Need One?

By Margaret Manning August 21, 2019

If you were looking for a mechanic to work on your car, you would almost certainly want to work with someone who had experience with your car’s make and model. So, why should finding a doctor after 60 be any different?

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Dear Me… A Conversation with My 80-Year-Old Self

By Sixty and Me August 21, 2019

Learn yoga from the comfort of your favorite chair! Our chair yoga videos are now FREE to watch on YouTube! Enjoy your practice and help us to spread the word!

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How to Stay Cool, Calm and Collected When Traveling

By Sixty and Me August 20, 2019

Want to stay mobile, have more energy and even add years to your life? Start your fitness journey today, with our gentle yoga video series. It’s now available FREE on YouTube!

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How to Beat the “I Don’t Wannas” and Find a Sense of Purpose After 60

By Noelle Nelson August 19, 2019

Ever have a case of the “I don’t wannas”?

Mine usually hit when it’s a grey and gloomy morning. The last thing I want to do is my series of morning exercises and stretches when it’s drab and dreary. Just the thought of strapping on my ankle and wrist weights is enough to send me burrowing back down into those nice comfy covers. Read More

Look 3 Years Younger for Free? Surprising New Study Says that Facial Exercises Take Years Off Your Face

By Sixty and Me August 12, 2019

By the time we reach our 60s, most of us have given up on anti-aging pills and potions. In fact, most of us don’t want to look younger; we just want to look radiant and full of life. This is why I prefer the term “positive aging” to “anti-aging.” Read More

Hey Grandparents – Babysitting Boosts Your Brain Power

By Dave Price August 11, 2019

When my wife and I babysat our two grandchildren this past weekend, we knew we would have fun. But we didn’t know we would be boosting our brain power as well. Read More

No Trip is Complete Without these 10 Travel Essentials

By Sixty and Me August 09, 2019

One of my personal passions is travel. Sometimes, I am fortunate enough to take a cruise or to fly somewhere exotic. But, 9 times out of 10, I just get on a bus or train and go somewhere local. And, when I travel, I always take a few things with me that help me to […]

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5 Simple Morning Rituals that Can Make You Happier and Healthier After 60

By Sixty and Me August 08, 2019

By the time we reach our age, we have plenty of habits. These small rituals build up slowly over time and are seldom chosen consciously.

Take a moment to think about your “typical” weekday morning. Do you stumble out of bed and head straight for the coffee machine? Do you check your email, or Facebook, within a few minutes of getting up? Is there a certain type of cereal that you have eaten for years?

If so, maybe it’s time to develop some new morning rituals. Read More

The Surprising Connection Between Health and Happiness

By Margaret Manning August 06, 2019

When you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, what do you see? Do your eyes dance quickly over your reflection, too quickly to settle on any one body part? Or, perhaps you pull in your stomach, hold back your hair and pause to evaluate yourself. Are you happy with what you see? Read More