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Search Results for: being present

Transitioning to the Medicare System – It’s All About Process, Not Product

By Joanne Giardini-Russell January 16, 2022

In the US, we have a system where every person that becomes 65 years old must make some decision related to Medicare, the health insurance system for people over 65. It’s a system where every person has to do something or NOT do something…

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How Will You Nourish Yourself This Year?

By Marcia Smalley January 05, 2022

Our life choices either deplete us or nourish us. They affect us physically, emotionally and spiritually, usually all at the same time. We can feel our choices down to the bone, in our gut and around our heart space. Our bodies speak to us…

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How to Stay Fresh in Your Encore Career

By Delia Lloyd December 27, 2021

There’s an old expression that seasoned college professors like to invoke about teaching: “The first year you get it wrong. The second year you fix it. And the third year you’re bored.” As I settle into my third year running my…

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The Labyrinth of Life: Is There Cheese on That Path?

By Joanie Marx December 24, 2021

If you are like many people over the age of 60, you probably have some life experiences that prompted you to question why you stayed in an uncomfortable situation for as long as you did. With a new year fast approaching…

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The True Worth of Appreciation Over the Holidays

By Noelle Nelson December 24, 2021

Traditionally, the holidays are a time of joy, of exuberance, of family get-togethers. However, it looks like the global pandemic will weigh heavy on this year’s holidays. If anything, restrictions are getting stricter for many, and joy is far…

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5 Fabulous Ways to Reinvent Your Life and Create Body Confidence at 60+!

By Astrid Longhurst December 22, 2021

As I thought back to my mother’s generation, I was shocked at how “ageist” many people were back then. Or, maybe it was simply the fact that there weren’t many role models for women (and men) who were thriving and doing things differently…

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How Smart Is Your Home?

By Judi Jacobs December 22, 2021

A smartphone can be one of the most valuable tools for homeowners. Many household devices can be accessed through apps to help keep your home safe and running efficiently. Creating a “smart home” may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be…

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How to Manage Your Emotions Instead of Eating to Avoid Them

By Shari Broder December 22, 2021

We’re all feeling such an array of emotions this year. If you’ve been eating to avoid the discomfort of some of them, then you’ve likely gained weight. What you’re doing is emotional eating, and that is the biggest cause of overeating…

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My Favourite Books Of 2022

By Angela Jackson December 21, 2021

As a writer, I am a constant reader… even though all my posts so far have been TV and female icon forward. To balance that, here are three books that will transport and delight you – as all the best ones do. In a slow reading year – only two books a week…

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Lichen Sclerosus: Symptoms and Treatment

By Aleece Fosnight December 21, 2021

Lichen sclerosus is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder and autoimmune disease which causes thin white patches to develop on the skin. While rare, post-menopausal women are at the highest risk, and the condition typically presents…

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