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Search Results for: being present

Love at First Touch – Massaging Pain Away with the Hendrickson Method

By Marlene Anne Bumgarner June 22, 2022

I never expected a simple trip to buy vegetables to change my life, but it did. I met Maria at the Santa Cruz Farmer’s Market where she was offering five-minute massages. My body hurt that day, as it always did. Figuring I had nothing to lose…

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60 and Estranged? When Not to Reconcile

By Marie Morin June 16, 2022

Estrangement is widespread, complicated, and harms all involved. Perhaps you have chosen to cut off from a family member out of necessity. Your experience may include abuse, poor parenting, parental alienation, divorce, poor communication…

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Prepare for a Foreign Vacation by Learning the Language

By Kerry Baker June 15, 2022

How does the idea of a road trip or a vacation sound to you right now? Pretty good, I would venture to guess. In every vacation, we take two pleasure trips. One is the trip itself. The other is the anticipation of the experience – the planning…

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Starting an Encore Business? Chat with a Few Smart Millennials First

By Donna Kastner June 12, 2022

Human beings are naturally hard-wired to favor encounters and exchanges with like-minded people. This website is proof positive of that inclination and it makes sense. Who else but another 60-something might grasp all (or most) of life’s…

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Social Prescribing – The Time Has Come for Adoption in the U.S.

By Anthony Cirillo June 11, 2022

Social prescribing is a means of enabling health professionals to refer people to a range of local, non-clinical services. The rationale is that health and wellbeing are determined mostly by social, economic and environmental factors such as food…

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Do You Really Need a Home Appraisal – And How to Prepare

By Cindy Williams June 10, 2022

When is a real estate appraisal needed or required? Who is legally allowed to conduct a real estate appraisal? What does a typical real estate appraisal cost? So many questions to ponder – and I’ve got answers!

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Overcome the 3 Biggest Obstacles to Reuniting with Your True Self

By Joanie Marx June 07, 2022

A favorite quote of mine from one of my mentors, Dr. Wayne Dyer, is, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” One can interpret this in many ways. For me, his quote is about writing a new story for yourself…

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The Power of the Word “No” for Women Over 50

By Leslie Moon June 01, 2022

For myself and so many of the women in my community, the most verbalized barrier that stands in our way is a perceived lack of time in each day. Many of us are still working. We are often caring for our own aging parents and helping with grandchildren…

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Phone Scams and Phone Spam – What’s the Difference?

By Sixty and Me May 28, 2022

We’ve all received those annoying phone calls at one time or another. But some are more alarming than others. Unsolicited phone calls can be separated into two types: phone spam and phone scams, with the latter being rather more sinister…

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Teaching Style to Your Grandchildren: Fun Shopping with the Next Generation

By Andrea Pflaumer May 20, 2022

Not all that long ago, women over 60 were relegated to the hinterlands of style. Phrases like “dressing like your grandma” or “dressing like an old lady” were the unkindest dig one could make about someone’s attire…

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