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Search Results for: being present

5 Mindful Photography Ideas to Get You in a State of Flow

By Karin van Mierlo September 16, 2022

Mindfulness is about slowing down, being fully present in the moment, and receiving that moment. The exact same words apply to the process of making photographs. For me, to photograph is to be fully present in the moment…

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Can Mini Adventures Enrich the Spirit? Oh Yes!

By Liz Kitchens September 12, 2022

Adventures don’t have to be big and bold. Adventures come in many sizes and forms and help us feel young again. I like taking mini adventures that sometimes aren’t planned but thrust on you like when you are riding your bike in the afternoon…

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Surprising Life Lessons from Kindergarten and My Marriage

By Becki Cohn-Vargas September 09, 2022

Not so long ago, my husband and I both turned 64. We got cards for each other with the iconic Beatles song that said, “Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I’m sixty-four?” I could not help but reflect on how we both survived and keep surviving even to this day, a number of years later.

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Can the Right Nutrients Reduce Your Dementia Risk?

By Joy Stephenson-Laws September 06, 2022

Last year I discussed how vitamin D may provide protection against acute respiratory infections, such as the common cold and pneumonia. It also appears to have powerful immune-boosting properties.  Now, a recent study from Australia…

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10 Autumn Aspirations to Help You Get More from Life After 60

By Carol Hedges September 04, 2022

So it’s Autumn, season of mists and something somethings, as the poet says. (No, he doesn’t but that’s the best I can do). It is therefore time for this creaky post 60 writer to think about drawing up my list of new year resolutions…

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To Exist or to Grow? Choosing to Live a Fruitful Life in the Face of Loss

By Teresa Beshwate September 02, 2022

I’ve heard many times that aging is about loss, and I don’t disagree. But I would offer that it’s also about hard-earned gains – which are often the result of those losses. It’s true that with time life throws us curveballs…

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How Can We Embrace the Shifts That Occur as We Age

By Karen Margaret Kay September 01, 2022

Have you experienced shifts in your priorities, your goals, and even your dreams throughout your 60s and beyond? Shifts are those changes in our thinking and our attitudes that evolve as we age…

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Why Slowing Down Increases the Quality of Your Life

By Joanie Marx August 29, 2022

How many times have you found yourself feeling weighed down with an unexpected life crisis that involved your health, finances, relationships, and even the state of the world? What if I said a life crisis can be avoided, stress relieved, and the overall quality…

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7 Techniques for Fostering Self-Awareness in Your 60s

By Diana Raab August 27, 2022

From an early age, I often spent time jotting down feelings, musings, and motivations about myself and others. Being self-aware was my way to feel more empowered in a household that was often chaotic. Writing helped me make sense…

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60 and Estranged? 3 Keys to Go from Stressed to Wellness

By Marie Morin August 19, 2022

How can you go about daily life when you feel rejected, hurt, sad, angry, and you’re not yourself? The key to moving forward and getting out of stuck is to focus on your wellness. The emotional stress of estrangement can take its toll on one’s mental…

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