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Search Results for: gratitude journal

My Grace Is Gone; One More Drink and I’ll Move On

By Maggie Marangione March 22, 2024

Like many women, I am a fixer, which also seems to go hand in hand with being a (reformed) control freak. If I even think there will be a difficulty with something or someone, my brain immediately goes into high gear coming up with numerous…

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5 Ways to Discover Your New Path in the Transition to Retirement

By Ginny McReynolds March 21, 2024

When you’re a year or two away from retirement, or from your kids graduating and moving on with their lives, you start fantasizing about how wonderful it’s going to be to have lots of free time…

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Can You See New Possibilities Past 60? 9 Crafty Ways to Enrich Your Life

By Christine Field February 27, 2024

We are well into the new year. Has life already become routine for you? These ultra-cold days of winter can make us feel limited and cooped up. Don’t forget that life has infinite possibilities! But most of us believe that we don’t have many options available to us…

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5 Effective Ways to Visualize Your Dreams in 2024

By Joanie Marx January 12, 2024

When it comes to manifesting your dream life after 60, few things work as consistently well as visualization. If it works so well, why do few people consciously apply this? And how can you go about visualizing your dreams into a more fulfilling reality…

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20 Ways to Create Joyful Thoughts

By Christine Field December 25, 2023

Although we can all agree that the pandemic years were quite bad, 2023 hasn’t been all that easier either. And though sometimes the days can seem grim, each day and in every situation, we have a choice. We can choose to focus on the negative…

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Lonely and Married? Try These 5 Tips for Navigating Marital Challenges in Retirement

By Cyn Meyer December 07, 2023

Embarking on the journey of marriage in retirement requires a nuanced approach to address the unique dynamics that emerge during this phase of life. I see marriage challenges come up all the time in my life coaching practice…

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Rediscovering the Thrill of Life after 60

By Diane Dahli October 05, 2023

When was the last time you felt thrilled? Yes, thrilled, as in “I’m thrilled to be here,” “I’m thrilled to see you,” and “I’m thrilled to be doing this.” Being thrilled is the epitome of positive human emotions. It means to be delighted, exhilarated, electrified and galvanized…

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Why Optimistic Women Live Longer and Healthier – Are You One of Them?

By Lucinda Sykes September 15, 2023

Optimism supports women’s good health – especially in aging. That’s the evidence of dozens of research studies. People with an optimistic attitude tend to have better health outcomes and more years of healthy life. In fact, if optimism were a drug…

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Actionable Plan for Estranged Parents Over 60

By Marie Morin July 25, 2023

Estrangement from an adult child can be an incredibly distressing and tumultuous experience, especially for parents over 60. The deep pain and grief resulting from severed ties and the longing for reconnection can impact your emotional well-being. The uncertainty of the situation may weigh heavily on your heart, causing overwhelming waves of sadness and anxiety. […]

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13 Happiness Practices You Can Start Right NOW and Enjoy Brighter Days as a Mature Woman!

By Sheena Nancy Sarles July 21, 2023

How do we cultivate our happiness? Does happiness can just happen, or can we make it so? As we age, we realize that happiness is more of a choice than a random occurrence. Try incorporating some of these happiness practices into your life every day…

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