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Search Results for: gratitude journal

Is Pollen Allergy One of Your Woes?

By Jane Thurnell-Read May 05, 2023

I used to dread the hay fever season. If possible, I would sit in a darkened room with a large box of tissues, feeling exhausted from the continuous sneezing. My eyes would run and itch. The roof of my mouth would drive me mad with its itchiness…

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How Spirituality Can Improve Your Life

By Xenia Mateiu March 22, 2023

Over the last year, I saw many people searching for crystals or gemstones, wondering if they have to define themselves as spiritual to use the stones effectively, if they need to believe in energies, or if it is wrong that they only see crystals as pretty rocks. Well, there is no wrong answer to this. […]

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What to Do in Retirement: 20 Serious (and Fun!) Things to Keep You Busy!

By Rita Call February 22, 2023

My best friend was forced into an early retirement. While she was within a year of wanting to retire anyway, it came as a bit of a shock when her job position was eliminated, and she was faced with trying to occupy the hours in the day…

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4 Ways to Conquer Your Fears in the New Year

By Ellen Bachmeyer December 26, 2022

2023 is right at the door! It is a brand new turning of the pages. As I reflect on the past year, both in my personal life and work, the most important thought that strikes me is the pervasive sense of fear in people around me. The what isn’t all that important…

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How to Incorporate Healing Crystals into Your Self-Care Routine

By Xenia Mateiu November 07, 2022

Healing crystals and gemstones have risen in popularity just like being aware of our needs and investing time and energy in self-care has. Crystals are believed to have healing properties and energies that can enhance our lives and serve purposes…

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Feeling Lost in Your 60s? Here Are 8 Tips to Get Back on Track

By Rachel Lankester October 02, 2022

Do you ever feel a bit lost? Are there days when you lose your sparkle and question who you are and what you’re doing? Do you sometimes feel irrelevant and that you don’t have much to look forward to? It’s so easy sometimes to get stuck…

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5 Mindful Photography Ideas to Get You in a State of Flow

By Karin van Mierlo September 16, 2022

Mindfulness is about slowing down, being fully present in the moment, and receiving that moment. The exact same words apply to the process of making photographs. For me, to photograph is to be fully present in the moment…

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Les Petits Bonheurs: How Often Do You Indulge in Moments of Happiness After 60?

By Karen Margaret Kay August 24, 2022

Today I enjoyed one of those rare mid-August days when the sting of summer heat and humidity have almost disappeared, and there is a hint of autumn in the air. Despite the signs of summer drawing to a close…

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4 Things You Can Do Every Day to Let Your Inner Beauty Shine

By Joan Rudder-Ward August 04, 2022

Would you agree that maintaining a positive attitude and positive thinking is priceless? Being positive can enhance your psychological and physical well-being. You reap health benefits that can ward off depression…

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How Changing My Morning Routine Changed My Life Forever

By Maureen Lake July 16, 2022

I used to have a terrible time sleeping. I would either lay awake for what seemed like hours or wake up two to three times each night like clockwork. For the longest time, I couldn’t figure out why I was awake, worrying about things…

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