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Search Results for: loneliness

Do Lonely People Really “Build Walls” that Separate Them from Others?

By Margaret Manning February 17, 2015

As a society, we love to talk about what lonely people are doing wrong. Some of the advice that people give is productive and well-intentioned, but, today, I came across a quote that I absolutely disagree with. The quote was by Joseph F. Newton, who said “People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.” Read More

3 Amazing Places to Meet People Online Who Share Your Interests

By Margaret Manning February 12, 2015

Women over 60 are much more technologically savvy than most people give us credit for! But, even if you are comfortable with technology, it can often be difficult to know where to look for people who share your interests. This is especially true at a time when we need to be more careful than ever about our privacy and security online. Read More

We’re Looking at Retirement Planning All Wrong and People Are Going to Get Hurt

By Margaret Manning November 20, 2014

What is retirement planning? It’s a simple question, right? Doesn’t everyone know that getting ready for retirement is all about putting enough money away so that we can live comfortably on our investments? At least, that’s what we have been told. For decades, our employers have reminded us to max out our 401K. Read More

It’s Not Too Late! Improve Your Health After 60 by Breaking these Habits

By Margaret Manning November 19, 2014

When it comes to smoking, drinking and a lack of exercise, many women that I know have a fatalistic perspective. If you are in your 60s or 70s, it’s easy to convince yourself that “the damage has already been done.” But, is this really true? As it turns out, no, it isn’t – not in the slightest! Researchers are increasingly showing that it’s never too late to get benefits from abandoning a bad habit. For example, recent studies have found that people can add years to their life by quitting smoking, even in their 60s. Read More

3 Implications of the Rise of Divorce After 50

By Margaret Manning November 11, 2014

In recent years, a lot has been written about the fact that divorce rates among people over 50 are rising, while other generations are staying married longer. For example, over the last 20 years, baby boomer divorce rates have increased 50%. Read More

6 Strategies to Help You Get the Most from Life After 60

By Margaret Manning September 17, 2014

Life after 60 can be one of the most challenging and uncertain times in a woman’s life. It can also be one of the most fulfilling and rewarding. With our roles and responsibilities changing, life is once again a fresh canvas. If you are just now turning 60, you may be wondering what’s to do next.

Do you want to take it easy for a while? Or, after years in a corporate career, perhaps you want to start a business of your own? Whether you want to travel, work, relax or volunteer, there is no reason that life after 60 shouldn’t be amazing. Read More

6 Surprising Habits for a Happier Life After 60

By Margaret Manning August 27, 2014

What was the happiest time of your life? If you’re like many women over 60, the answer is “right now.” After 60 years of looking after other people, many of us are exploring our independence and building new lives, full of possibility and adventure. Read More

How to Overcome Your Fears and Get More from Life After 60

By Margaret Manning March 26, 2014

Fear is a powerful emotion. It is so strong, instinctual and deeply woven into the way we interact with our world. A lot of spiritual teachers and psychologists say that fear and love are the only real human emotions and that every other emotion comes from them.

Fear is also a primitive emotion. It is the anticipation that something bad is going to happen – like a sabre tooth tiger jumping out of the bushes. These are the things our primitive brain had to worry about. Read More

What Are the Benefits of Having a Pet After 60? You Might be Surprised

By Margaret Manning January 28, 2014

Pets touch us in ways that no person can. We go through dog and cat phases when we are younger, but, there are many reasons to consider getting a pet in your 60s too. Animals calm you, focus you and give you something to be responsible for. They keep you busy, active and energized. They can improve your physical, mental and emotional well-being… and they may just help you to find the man of your dreams (no, really!) Here a few of the surprising benefits of having a pet at this stage in your life.

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Can a Robotic Seal Help with Independent Senior Living?

By Margaret Manning January 10, 2014

Did you know that there are over 40,000 people over the age of 100 living in Japan? With one of the highest life expectancies in the world, Japan is facing a demographic crisis. While longer lifespans are a cause for celebration, Japan, like many western countries, is struggling to support their aging population. Read More