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Search Results for: divorce

You can Experience Everyday Happiness – Just Give It a Try!

By Linda Ward February 12, 2021

Has it been a while since you felt happy? Perhaps you think happiness is a “pie in the sky” kind of feeling that others have. The pandemic, health issues, job concerns, money, loss of loved ones, and so much more in life can bring times…

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Do You Have “Enjoy Life” on Your Checklist?

By Marie Burns February 08, 2021

Checklists are more powerful than you might think. Research is definitely convincing on the merits of using checklists. They help you focus and accomplish goals, one small task at a time. They train your brain to be more productive…

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Never Say “Never” When It Comes to Finding Love After a Loss

By Kathleen M. Rehl February 08, 2021

The death of my husband more than a decade ago was the toughest experience of my life. I had turned 60 just a month before his passing. I fully expected that at my age and stage of life, I should and would be content with my professional work…

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Home Ownership Levels the Gender Gap for Single Women

By Terri Edmund January 19, 2021

According to the National Association of Realtors, single women are the second leading homebuying demographic in the country, right after married couples. In fact, single women make up 17 percent of U.S. homebuyers…

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9 Questions to Ask a Prospective Online Dating Expert

By Andrea McGinty January 08, 2021

As you navigate the tribulations (and trials) of online dating, I want to make it as easy and fun for you as possible! Many people who visit dating sites don’t know much about online dating. Others have been browsing for a while…

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How Do I Even Begin the Journey of Self-Care?

By Julia Hubbel December 29, 2020

“How do I start this journey of self-care and self-love, after spending a life focused on others?” This comment was on a recent article of mine for Sixty and Me and resonated so much that I promised to respond. So many women reach this age and are suddenly widowed or divorced (by choice or not). […]

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What Does Breathing Have to Do with Money?

By Marie Burns December 24, 2020

“Take a deep breath!” That was probably a common phrase that was used when we were younger if we were upset about something. Or we might have been told to “calm down, count to 10” or “walk it off.” Who knew this age-old advice…

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Financially, Millennials Have More in Common with Their Grandparents Than Us!

By Karen Venable December 20, 2020

Our attitudes toward the important things in life – relationships, money, and careers – are shaped by the experiences we have in our youth. The Millennial generation – our kids, in other words – are demonstrating this in their attitudes…

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Thinking About Getting Married After 60? I Have Good News and Bad News

By Douglas Winslow Cooper December 05, 2020

Over 50 and unmarried? You might be divorced, widowed, or perhaps never married. You likely at least have given marriage some serious thought. But… don’t most of them fail? Not so. You may have read that about half of marriages…

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Survival, Thrival, and Setting the Example in a Messy World

By Julia Hubbel November 24, 2020

I Had a Handle on Life but It Broke, is the title of a book by fellow professional speaker Mary LoVerde out of Denver, Colorado. Thankfully, you can’t copyright titles, although I’ll always attribute. This one’s too good not to steal…

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