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Search Results for: divorce

Healthy Eating Mystery: What Are You REALLY Craving… and Why?

By Karen Donaldson July 16, 2021

To say that our relationship with food is complex is an understatement, especially when it comes to weight loss. If it was easy, I would put on my dietitian hat and tell you how many carbs, proteins and fats you should be eating…

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Why It’s Time to Flip the Narrative from Independence to Interdependence

By Riley Gibson July 02, 2021

Each July, we Americans dedicate time to celebrating our independence, and perhaps this year more so than others after we’ve endured various stages of isolation and lockdown amid the pandemic. The 4th is a time to revel in the notion…

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Do You Worry About Growing Older Alone? Here’s What to Do About it!

By Lori Martinek June 19, 2021

Women are worriers by nature. We worry about our families, our friends and our future. Those of us who live alone have learned to be independent – but that doesn’t stop us from worrying about the years ahead. As a single small business owner who lives alone…

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Understanding and Thriving in the Different Stages of Retirement

By Stan Corey June 11, 2021

Working closely with my clients, sometimes over decades, has given me deep insight into how people react toward retirement, which is one of the biggest transitions you’ll experience in your lifetime. It is an emotionally-charged period characterized…

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5 Surprising Benefits of Homesharing

By Riley Gibson June 10, 2021

A couple months back, I had an enlightening conversation with Melanie, a 63-year-old in central California who had decided to give homesharing a try. Melanie had an interesting account of her path to homesharing. She explained to me that she’d been working…

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Activating Acceptance When All You See Is Loss

By Teresa Beshwate May 13, 2021

If you’re in your seventh decade of life or beyond, no doubt you have experienced some plot twists. Whether illness, divorce, death or an otherwise unexpected curve ball that life threw at you. In my conversations with hundreds of people who have lost a spouse…

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What Is Your Online Dating Score?

By Andrea McGinty May 13, 2021

With over 1400 dating apps/platforms available these days in cyberspace, how do you choose the right one? Once you have chosen, do you know what you are looking for? Do you know which photos will gain the best traction for you online? How will you describe…

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What Money Personality Type Are You? Spender, Idealist, Star, Avoider or Something Else?

By Kathleen M. Rehl May 10, 2021

Your money style, whatever it may be, can be helpful, but it can also block your progress. Oftentimes we cling to beliefs about money without even thinking about why we hold them…

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Dating Over 60? Beware of Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

By Darlene Corbett April 30, 2021

In the 1980s, I had a single friend in her early 40s trying to find a romantic partner. Such a pursuit was years before the era of the Internet. Consequently, the choices for dating sites were few and far between and stigmatized. Also, the chances of meeting a single…

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5 Tips to Vastly Improve Your Online Dating Profile

By Andrea McGinty April 15, 2021

Whether on OkCupid, Match or Date My Age, your photo is the very first, eye-catching presentation you make – and yes, it makes, or breaks you. The photo should be high resolution, and you should not be looking straight into the camera…

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