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Search Results for: aging well

5 Secrets to Finding Happiness After 60, According to Science

By Margaret Manning April 04, 2015

Finding happiness after 60 can be tough. Many of us are struggling to save enough for retirement. Others are dealing with changing social circumstances or a divorce. All of us are discovering that staying in great shape isn’t as easy as it used to be. That’s the bad news. Read More

Older Entrepreneurs Are the New Normal – But, the World Still Doesn’t Know it!

By Margaret Manning March 30, 2015

If you think about the word “entrepreneur,” what image springs to mind? Maybe you thought of the actor who played Marc Zuckerberg in the film, “The Social Network”. Or, perhaps you imagined Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or another young technology genius, who started a technology empire from his or her basement. You probably didn’t think of a retired 57-year old tax consultant from St. Louis. If so, your instinct was way off. Read More

Will You Be Healthy at 100? The Odds Are Better Than You Might Think, Study Says

By Margaret Manning March 30, 2015

There’s a perception that life after 60 involves a slow, yet unavoidable, slide towards disease, dementia and, finally, death. And, being healthy at 100? Forget it! We may not say it out loud, but, this is what many of us fear in our hearts. It is certainly the way that aging is portrayed in the movies and on TV. Read More

Fitness After 60 May Lower Cancer Risk for Older Men, Study Says

By Margaret Manning March 29, 2015

Many of us take fitness after 60 seriously because we want to look and feel our best. Well, now, according to a recent study, there is another reason to encourage the men in our lives to get in shape – fitness after 60 may reduce cancer risk among older men. Read More

At 60, Reba McEntire Definitely Isn’t Singing “Consider Me Gone” 

By Margaret Manning March 28, 2015

It always makes me happy to see people in their 60s, breaking aging stereotypes and living their own way. Well, Reba McEntire, who turns 60 today, definitely fits this description. As one of the most successful music artists of all time, McEntire, “The Queen of Country,” certainly doesn’t need to keep working. Read More

Old Folks Ain’t What They Used to Be – They’re Happier and Healthier, Study Says

By Margaret Manning March 26, 2015

If you are in your 60s, you probably don’t consider yourself “old.” In fact, I hope you never do! At the same time, many of us worry about how the aging process will impact us or our elderly parents. Will we, and the people close to us, live healthy, fulfilling lives well into our 90s?

Well, if you have concerns about aging, I have good news for you. According to a new study by several research institutions in Berlin, getting old isn’t what it used to be. Read More

Elton John Turns 68, Keeps Going Like a Rocket

By Margaret Manning March 25, 2015

With over 300-million records sold, Elton John, who is 68 today, could be forgiven for retiring from the music scene and “taking it easy.” Well, that’s definitely not his style. In fact, between his live performances, studio efforts and film work, it seems like Elton John is busier than ever. Read More

How Long Will I Live? J.P. Morgan Says “Get Ready for 90”

By Margaret Manning March 24, 2015

As we approach retirement, many of us are asking “how long will I live?” This question has both emotional and practical consequences. On an emotional level, many of us are searching for new meaning in our lives, now that our kids have left the house. On a practical level, we want to know approximately how many years we have left so that we can make sure that we are financially prepared for the decades ahead. Read More

Soda Shocker! Diet Soda Linked to Weight Gain After 60

By Margaret Manning March 24, 2015

If you are struggling with weight gain after 60, your diet soda could be to blame. That’s the conclusion of a new study by the University of Texas. Since diet soda is marketed as a healthier alternative to regular soda, we are often lulled into a false sense of security. In reality, diet soda may be one of the reasons that, as a generation, we are getting fatter. Read More

95-Year-Old Runner Proves Age is Just a Number

By Margaret Manning March 21, 2015

Is it true when people say that age is just a number? Well, today, I watched a video that demonstrates just how accurate this statement is. If the last time you ran a sprint was in high-school, you will definitely want to watch this video of 95-year-old Charles Eugster setting a new world record for this distance. He is amazing! Read More