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Search Results for: aging well

Forget Rocking Chairs! Boomers Are Rocking and Rolling in Retirement

By Margaret Manning June 03, 2015

Not too long ago, retirement was a time of relaxation and “aging gracefully.” Well, if playing golf, knitting and reading in your rocking chair is your idea of a good time, more power to you. But, taking it easy is no longer your only option. As we reach retirement age, more boomers than ever are saying no to rocking chairs and yes to rocking and rolling around the world. Read More

What Does Getting in Shape After 50 Really Mean?

By Margaret Manning May 22, 2015

A few weeks ago, I asked the women in our community whether they thought getting in shape after 50 was possible. For the most part, they were positive about their prospects for finding fitness after 50. However, as I read through the comments, one response to my question stood out. Read More

Forget About Finding Yourself – Create Yourself Instead!

By Margaret Manning May 22, 2015

So many people go through life trying to “find themselves.” We read self-help books, hire career counselors, take trips to think about our life, write in diaries and, for the most part, we end up where we started. Read More

When it Comes to Makeup for Older Women, Blue is the New Black (Video)

By Margaret Manning May 17, 2015

One of the biggest makeup mistakes you can make as an older woman is applying the same techniques that you used as a teenager. In this makeup tips video, we discuss why blue is a great choice for your next mascara. When it comes to makeup for older women, blue really is the new black! Read More

When it Comes to Love After 50, Do You Really Want a Soulmate?

By Margaret Manning May 15, 2015

Finding love after 50 is tough. That’s the conclusion that I have come to after talking with several senior dating experts, as well as, the women in our community. Part of the problem is that, while the dating game has changed, our expectations haven’t. Read More

What I Learned About Senior Dating from a Professional Dating Coach

By Margaret Manning May 14, 2015

If you are like many women in the community, the concept of senior dating probably sounds about as appealing as watching paint dry. For starters, no-one wants to think of themselves as a senior, even if they are in their 60s. In addition, after a life-time of difficult relationships, is it reasonable to think that we will be lucky in love in our 60s or 70s? Read More

4 Senior Travel Programs for Women Who Love to Learn

By Sixty and Me May 07, 2015

Learning is a lifelong process and today’s travelers are combining learning with travel as never before. When it comes to senior travel, learning vacations offer opportunities to expand horizons, make new friends and stay mentally and physically fit.  Women can choose from many senior travel programs that include fun, enjoyable learning opportunities. Read More

Meryl Streep Has Had Enough of Ageism

By Margaret Manning May 04, 2015

Hollywood has never taken a particularly positive view on aging. In the movies, older characters are usually portrayed as “over the hill,” grumpy and out of touch. The aging process itself is usually presented as something to be feared, not embraced. Read More

Sandra Bullock is People Magazine’s “Most Beautiful Woman” – But, is She Real?

By Margaret Manning May 03, 2015

I have mixed feelings about Sandra Bullock being promoted as People’s “most beautiful woman” for 2015. On the one hand, it’s wonderful to see a 50-year-old woman being held up as a symbol of beauty. In addition, Bullock has always struck me as a genuine person, who cares about her family and the world around her. Read More

These 6 Solo Travel Tips Could Save Your Life – Advice for Women Traveling Alone

By Sixty and Me April 26, 2015

There was a time when solo travel for women was unheard of. Well, not anymore!

Baby boomer women today are challenging stereotypes and living life on their own terms. They are exploring the world, even if they don’t have someone to travel with. Read More