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Search Results for: aging well

Can Travel Help You to Experience Healthy Aging? Road Scholar Says “Yes!”

By Sixty and Me June 14, 2016

Travel is energizing, relaxing and wonderfully transformative. It is also good for your health.

A recent CNN show even claimed that travel for pleasure can add years to your life. Perhaps this is because activities associated with travel, like walking and social engagement are good for both the brain and body. Read More

Let’s Say No to Aging Stereotypes and Embrace Our True Selves

By Carol Hedges May 26, 2016

So, I’m busy deleting all those Facebook sidebar adverts for funeral plans, lawyers who will arrange Power of Attorney and annuity providers when it suddenly hits me: who the cotton-picking heck do these people think I am? Closely followed by: who do I think I am? Read More

Do You Love Your Aging Body? How Gentle Yoga Helped Me to Accept Myself

By Margaret Manning May 07, 2016

For the last 20 years, I’ve been on a journey to accept and, eventually, love my aging body. Read More

Who Are You Calling an Old Biddy? How to Describe Modern Aging

By Kari Henley April 03, 2016

Let’s face it. After the “Over the Hill” birthday cards, banners and party favors begin at age 50, the onslaught of terms used to describe the universal process of getting older – well, really suck. Read More

Is Throwing Out the Salt Shaker Good or Bad for Healthy Aging?

By Barbara Klein February 06, 2016

I like salty foods. I realize that this is not considered an especially smart thing to admit to these days. Nevertheless it’s true. I like salt. Sweets are good too, but, it wouldn’t be devastating for me to cut back drastically. Well… maybe not “drastically,” since I already try to avoid too much sugar. But, when it comes to salt, like many people, I need to work on my restraint. Read More

Elder Orphan: Creating a Plan for Aging Alone

By Carol Marak January 07, 2016

It’s important to build a long-term care and retirement plan early on, especially if you are single and don’t have children. The deeper I go into my sixties, the more I have become aware of the need to thoroughly prepare.  Read More

Are You Caring for an Aging Parent? What Advice Would You Give Us?

By Sixty and Me December 30, 2015

As many women in the Sixty and Me community know, caring for an aging parent is a difficult, often emotional process. While some of us are lucky enough to have parents that stay healthy and mobile, others are not so fortunate. Read More

What is the Key to Healthy Aging? Real Advice from Women Just Like You

By Margaret Manning December 02, 2015

I’m always amazed by how different our experiences with healthy aging can be. Setting aside serious injuries and illnesses, there is still a huge range of health outcomes for women over 60. While all of us experience the occasional aches and pains, some of us still feel full of energy and vitality. Others struggle to get out of the house. Read More

7 Power Foods and Super Supplements for Healthy Aging (Video)

By Margaret Manning November 29, 2015

Healthy aging is a big priority for women over 60. It’s a good thing too. After all, we are on track to live longer than any generation before us. We want to make sure that those extra years are filled with vitality and happiness. Read More

How Can Feeling Lonely All the Time Impact Healthy Aging? (Video)

By Margaret Manning November 09, 2015

We all feel a little lonely at times. As a single woman, I often wish that I had someone to talk with and laugh with. Maybe it would be nice just to have someone to share my newly found cooking skills with.

Of course, I don’t dwell on these feelings. But, it’s clear to me that, whether we are married or single, feeling lonely from time to time is inevitable as we get a little older. Read More