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Search Results for: divorce

5 Tips on How to Celebrate Yourself this Valentine’s Day!

By Deborah Voll February 06, 2023

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching! Perhaps you’ve boycotted the “Hallmark ” holiday, or you embrace it with fun for yourself, your partner, and galantines. Whether you are in a partnership or flying solo, there is no better time than this month to turn inwards…

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5 Novels for Cold, Dreary Days

By Pam Lamp February 01, 2023

As I looked over the Oscar nominations last week, I grimaced at a couple of the movies vying for Best Picture. But, I reminded myself, we all enjoy different sorts of films. And it’s the same with books. The novel one woman raves about may not be her walking…

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Making Amends After Making Mistakes

By Ann Richardson January 30, 2023

There is some part of human nature that encourages people to make amends. We all make mistakes – however much we don’t like that fact – and it makes us feel better if we can put them right. Particularly sizeable ones…

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To Date or Not to Date, Is That Really the Question?

By Maggie Marangione January 27, 2023

I have been divorced for 15 years and in that time period I have had three two-year relationships and many dates. Relationship #1 ended in his unexpected death. #2 ended because he bored me into a coma, #3 was with a musician 13 years younger…

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Lifestyle Trend Goes Mainstream as Baby Boomers Embrace Minimalism

By Rita Wilkins January 27, 2023

There’s a cultural shift taking place right before our eyes. The generation that created consumerism is now embracing the idea of choosing to live with less… much less! For years, baby boomers’ big wallets and significant disposable income…

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Why It’s Important That We Set the Example

By Julia Hubbel January 22, 2023

The example we set teaches our kids and our kids’ kids how to live late in life. To my mind, it’s an enormous and unbelievable responsibility which offers all kinds of opportunities for us to grow into the wise women we were always…

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10 Steps You Can Take to Recover from a Life-Shattering Event

By Beverly Price January 21, 2023

No one is ever truly prepared for a life-changing event. Whether it’s a family trauma, job loss, moving, retirement, or dealing with substance abuse recovery, it can be incredibly disorienting and overwhelming. Most people feel entirely lost…

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What Makes Adult Children Pick the Road of Estrangement?

By Marie Morin January 14, 2023

Estrangement, the widespread and stigmatized condition describing cutting off one family member from one or more family members, is becoming increasingly common. Estrangement can mean cutting ties completely…

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Forced to Become a Different Person? Take Advantage of the Opportunity

By Terri Edmund January 11, 2023

Three ladies were lunching solo at a bar. It sounds like the beginning of a joke, doesn’t it? My quick stop for a bite turned into a leisure lunch as the three of us chatted at Applebee’s counter. I feel very lucky to have the time and means to be a lady…

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5 Ways to Celebrate 60 and Beyond!

By Susan Cox January 09, 2023

As we ring in another year, I think it’s important that we keep the celebration alive way beyond the first weeks of January. I don’t know about you, but I really had no idea what to expect as I entered ‘Midlife’. I never really thought about it because…

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