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Search Results for: diabetes

How to Have a Super Day with These 3 Superfoods

By Julie Dargan July 04, 2020

Superfoods are nutrient dense foods that help you fight disease, feel more energetic and lose weight. These “wonderfoods” contain extra-large doses of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can help us ward off diseases and live longer, healthier lives. Read More

Attention Pet Lovers: A Dog Can Make You Happier – and Healthier!

By Ann Marie Mershon June 01, 2020

I have a new puppy, and little Sally is keeping me on my toes. Libby, my small poodle/terrier, was a stellar companion for 17 years – my kayak buddy, canoe tripper, and enthusiastic hiker. When I swam down the lake…

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Sleep After 60: 3 Breathing Techniques to Help You Sleep (Demonstration)

By Sixty and Me May 12, 2020

Getting enough beauty sleep is important, especially if you want to age gracefully. A good night’s sleep makes you less likely to suffer from depression, memory problems, and serious health conditions such as diabetes…

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The Connection Between Chronic Diseases and the Coronavirus Epidemic

By Nancy Scanlan April 11, 2020

By now we know that chronic diseases make the COVID-19 infection (caused by the Coronavirus) worse. It is obvious why something like asthma could complicate COVID-19…

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Tired of Beans? Try This Super-Easy, Yummy, Immune-Boosting, Gluten-Free, Vegan, Roasted Vegetable Soup

By Karen Margaret Kay April 03, 2020

Are you, like me, spending a lot of time in your kitchen these days, as we all ‘shelter in place’ and follow social distancing mandates during this very difficult time?

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A Good Defense Is a Boomer’s Best Offense for Fighting Viruses

By Joy Stephenson-Laws March 29, 2020

I must admit that when I first heard “older people” were at much greater risk if infected with the novel coronavirus (also known as COVID-19), my first thought was, “Well, they are not talking about me…

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6 Evidence-Based Ways to Boost Your Immune System – So Important Right Now!

By Jane Thurnell-Read March 21, 2020

As we get older, it is particularly important that we nurture our immune systems. They help to fight bugs of all sorts, including the current COVID-19 infection…

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Walk Your Way to Health and Mental Wellbeing

By Jackie Parsons March 20, 2020

How many hours have you spent in front of the TV this week? What about your computer? The truth is, most of us recognise that it’s not just the under-30s who are spending too long slumped in front of a screen…

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How a Healthy Mediterranean Diet Might Reduce Inflammation and Pain

By Marlene Anne Bumgarner March 06, 2020

Do you ever wake up feeling like you haven’t slept all night or with joints that hurt as you struggle out of bed? Me too.

These discomforts may be caused by ‘inflammaging’, chronic low-grade inflammation common in older adults, even in the absence of infection. Other possible symptoms of inflammaging are fatigue, a low fever, abdominal and/or chest pain. Read More

6 Super Easy Healthy Aging Tips That Almost Everyone Can Do

By Angela Horn February 20, 2020

My 87-year-old aunt is an inspiration. She’s no Iron Nun, she doesn’t run marathons on the weekend, and thru-hiking isn’t her idea of fun. Aunty Margaret is just a regular old lady who lives her life with purpose…

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