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Search Results for: balance exercises

What Is Tai Chi and Why It’s Good for Seniors

By Sandra Roussy October 30, 2020

Tai Chi is not new and has been a go-to exercise regimen for seniors for a very long time. It’s easy enough to learn, is not overly demanding on the muscles and articulations, and can be practiced alone or in a group. Because of its relaxing…

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3 Smart Reasons Why Lifelong Learning Supports Living a Long and Satisfying Life

By T. Kari Mitchell October 23, 2020

What are you doing to increase your chances of living a long, fulfilling life? There are multiple lifestyle commitments that promote longevity. These include eating vitamin-rich meals, nurturing loving relationships, making…

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Rebounding: The Fun, Effective NASA Exercise That Can Help Women Over 60 Stay Healthy

By Nicole Christina October 23, 2020

I’m always curious about learning new health habits that are super effective but also fun. My firm belief is that if it’s not fun, it’s not sustainable. Life is full of unpleasant tasks, so why make exercise one of them? If ‘bootcamp’…

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Happy, Healthy, and Post-Menopausal

By Mike Pukanic September 25, 2020

Do you remember when sport was actually fun? The days when getting out and playing sports with our friends was effortless and we were full of energy seem like a long time ago! Staying healthy when we were 16 was definitely fun…

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What Does Walking with Confidence Have to Do with Your Ankle Flexors? (VIDEO)

By Kay Van Norman July 27, 2020

This is my third blog in a series of specific functional exercises to support physical independence. As we all navigate different levels of returning to normal activities, I hope you’ve been able to get out and engage in more…

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Osteoporosis and Bone Density – What You Need to Know and How to Exercise

By Rachelle Ballard-Clayton May 25, 2020

There is a ton of information out there concerning osteoporosis and bone density, but many of us aren’t exactly familiar with these terms. So, let’s start with some basic definitions…

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How to Keep Your Aging Body Flexible (The Easy Way!)

By Sixty and Me May 17, 2020

Do you get out of bed in the mornings and wonder where your get up and go… got up and went? Most women find that, as they hit the half century mark, they aren’t as flexible as they once were…

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Lessons from a Man Who Turned Back His Clock and Improved His Health

By Pam Lamp May 03, 2020

At an Aspen dinner party, martini in hand, Chris Crowley chatted with an Exercise Science and Muscle Physiology researcher. This PhD showed Chris a graph of normal aging patterns in our country…

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4 Everyday Bad Habits You Don’t Know You’re Doing (That Can Wreck Your Health!)

By Linda Melone April 26, 2020

I admit, I love people-watching. Not peeking around corners, creepy-stalking but waiting in line or hanging out and watching my fellow humans being themselves. In addition to the airport and Starbucks, observing people at the gym…

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5 Ways to Look After Your Mental and Physical Health During Coronavirus Quarantine

By Elise Christian April 12, 2020

The main thing that many of us are struggling with during the coronavirus quarantine is the feeling of uncertainty. The majority of us have never experienced a pandemic like this in our lifetime…

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