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Search Results for: balance exercises

Get Moving with Our New Gentle Yoga Flows

By Margaret Manning December 28, 2016

Take your yoga practice to the next level with our Gentle Yoga Flows video series, designed just for us older adults. If you liked our Gentle Yoga videos with Cat Kabira, you’ll love this new series! The sequel to our wildly popular yoga series is available now – online and on DVD. Movement is essential […]

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The Benefits of Yoga for Seniors: Yoga for Osteoporosis

By Sixty and Me March 03, 2016

Osteoporosis poses a seeming contradiction for senior citizens trying to maintain bone health.

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How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under the Eyes and Winkles – Advice from a Professional Makeup Artist (Video)

By Margaret Manning September 11, 2015

We affectionately call our wrinkles “laugh lines” or even “roadmaps of our lives.” Recently, it’s become popular to say that we should just accept our wrinkles as a natural part of aging. Read More

3 Unexpected Benefits of Gentle Yoga for Older Women (Video)

By Margaret Manning October 24, 2014

There are so many misconceptions about the benefits of yoga for older women. Some people believe that the goal of yoga is to “get flexible.” Others think that it is only for the young and fit. This last belief is particularly frustrating because the benefits of gentle yoga for older adults are greater than for any other group. After all, we have decades of stress stored in our bodies! Read More

Having Trouble Sleeping? Try these 6 Unexpected Tips

By Margaret Manning October 14, 2014

Getting enough sleep is one of the most important components of overall health and well-being, especially for older women. Unfortunately, as we age, our sleep patterns often become more irregular. We might find ourselves getting tired earlier, waking up earlier, or sleeping less deeply than before.

This is not just a matter of inconvenience. As I learned from my conversation with author and molecular biologist Dr. John Medina, sleep is one of the most important things for the aging brain. But, what can we do about it? Read More

What are the Benefits of Pilates for Women Over 60? You May be Surprised!

By Margaret Manning July 11, 2014

Pleasure is not normally a word that we associate with exercise. When I started my Pilates class a few weeks ago, I came away smiling after an hour of gentle and mindful stretching to soft music. I had a sense that, for me personally, I had found a workout regime that was right for my body. So it does not surprise me that Pilates has become one of the most popular exercises for older women.

Many of us are taking classes to build strength, reduce back pain, lose weight, or to improve coordination and balance. It has some similarities to yoga because it focuses on principles related to concentration, control and centering of the body. Read More

How Can I Sleep Better? Try Yoga for Insomnia

By Sixty and Me November 14, 2013

If, like many women our age, you are having trouble sleeping at night, yoga for insomnia may be just the ticket! Not only can the breathing exercises help you to relax, but, the poses can remove many of the aches and pains that keep you awake at night. Read More

Exercise After 60: Here are 6 Activities You Can Enjoy at Any Age

By Margaret Manning April 25, 2013

It’s no secret that staying active has many health benefits. However, as we get older, aches and pains start and we often have to deal with patterns of behavior that keep us from living an active life.

The good news is that there are many fun activities and sports that can help you build endurance, strength, and flexibility for optimal holistic health! Read More