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Search Results for: Tai Chi

Belly Fat and Clutter – Are They Related?

By Linda Ward December 16, 2021

Clutter is a constant in our lives. Just walking in from the mailbox brings a fresh stack of it. I was surprised to find that clutter affects women most. But then again, knowing how my husband can overlook a cluttered entry way, maybe not too surprised…

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The 2 Words We Don’t Like to Mention

By Jane Duncan Rogers December 16, 2021

There are two words that, generally speaking, in the Western world we don’t like to mention much. One of them you will probably not be surprised by. But the other you might well be. Given my specialty is end of life planning, you can easily imagine what…

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How the Believe Concept Can Reframe Your New Year’s Resolution

By Ardith Bowman December 15, 2021

If you have ever shopped at Macy’s over the holidays, you know they use the word “Believe” as part of their branding. This is an invitation to bring “Believe” truly into your life in the New Year… and leave the old resolution as a goal or wish behind…

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A Healthy Dose of Distraction

By Fran Braga Meininger December 15, 2021

This era of our life can be hard. We try to be positive and look for the best in every day but sometimes we just need to admit we’re struggling. This week, I lost a friend, then spent several days in bed with a bug. It was the perfect formula for slipping…

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4 Ways Music Feeds Our Spirit in Tough Times

By Terri Edmund December 15, 2021

I’ve played piano to entertain myself since I was a kid. Until my 60s, I didn’t realize how good it is for my mind. When I found out reading and playing music staves off memory deterioration, I was all in. Alzheimer’s Disease lurks in my family tree…

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3 Tips for Staying Positive Despite the Restrictions

By Patrick O'Malley December 13, 2021

I want to share three quick tips with you to help you stay positive over the coming months. Whether you are in lockdown, concerned about the possibility of future restrictions, or just missing family or friends that you can’t see in person…

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The 7 Best Moisturizers Under $15 for Mature Skin (#7 is My Favorite!) + Bonus!

By Margaret Manning December 13, 2021

If there’s one thing that everybody says we should do as we get older, it’s to keep our skin moisturized, because the oil glands in our skin just don’t work as they used to. This makes moisturizing a really important, basic thing to do… So, if you’re on a limited budget…

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How to Improve Thinning or Graying Hair: 10 Practical Tips for Women Over 60

By Sarah Brewer December 12, 2021

Have you noticed your hair is thinner than 30 years ago? If so, you’re not alone. By middle age, most people’s hair becomes finer as the diameter of individual hair follicles, and the hair they produce, decreases. The good news is that several diet…

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Preventing a Health Setback from Becoming a New Health Set-Point

By Kay Van Norman December 11, 2021

Like so many people around the world, my husband and I battled Covid for several weeks. We’re both healthy with no pre-existing conditions except being over 65, but it was a tough couple of weeks when we both ended up with pneumonia as well…

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The Joys – and Challenges – of My First Empty Nest Christmas

By Deborah Voll December 10, 2021

Christmas is in just a few weeks. My adult children, who finally, truly left the nest this year, were not happy when I told them about the Christmas I am planning for this year when they come home for the holidays. “No tree,” I said. Arose a chorus of complaints…

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