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Search Results for: Tai Chi

Where Are All the Good Men Over 60? Practical Senior Dating Advice (Video)

By Margaret Manning March 09, 2022

If you are looking to develop a relationship with a man in your sixties, you have to know where to look. They are not hiding, but they are certainly are not going to come knocking on your door. Interesting men are out in the world doing interesting things, not waiting patiently for you to appear in their lives. So, the secret is to do those things that you love, knowing that the men you will meet there at a minimum like doing what you do. It’s a place to start. Failing that direct approach, here are a few other ideas for finding these mysterious older men.

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If You’re Trying to Eat Healthier – Let Your Smart Speaker Help!

By Joy Stephenson-Laws March 08, 2022

We probably have all witnessed friends and family asking an invisible “Alexa,” “Siri,” “Bixby” or “Google” to play some music or tell them the weather and wondering who in the world they were talking to.

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Money Remodel Tips AFTER Marriage

By Marie Burns March 07, 2022

Once upon a time… she kissed the frog who turned into a prince… and they lived happily ever after! Is that how your marriage story went or is going? Mine neither! Although I do have to say that after 37 years, my husband and I feel less stressed, happier…

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Enjoy Thailand Before the Tourists Return

By Deborah Tobin March 05, 2022

If you’ve ever longed to visit Thailand or, like most people who’ve been there, you long to return – now is a great time. After a few false starts upended by waves of Covid, Thailand is removing barriers and welcoming back foreign tourists…

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Don’t Hesitate to Find Your New Passion

By Noelle Nelson March 05, 2022

They say there’s no cloud without a silver lining, and although this pandemic has been a very large and very dark cloud, there have been a few silver linings here and there. Namely, some people have discovered passions they didn’t know they had…

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Filing Bankruptcy after 60? 5 Things You Need to Know

By Veronica Baxter March 03, 2022

Many seniors feel overwhelmed with their financial situation. It could be credit card debt or piled up medical bills. No matter the source, you are not alone…

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What I’ve Learned from My 95-Year-Old Mom About Relationships

By Shirley Goldberg March 03, 2022

The best fight my parents ever had was the day my father tried to outrun my mom in their own house. Before I get into the story, there’s something I should share about Annie, my mom. She’s slow to anger and she’s not a yeller…

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Paying for Long-Term Care: Government Programs

By Peter Keers March 02, 2022

In my last Sixty and Me blog, Paying for Long-Term Care: What Are the Options? I noted there are three sources of money to pay for long-term care: Your own money, government sources, and Insurance. This blog will cover more details about using…

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7 Things You Can Do When Experiencing Moments of Vulnerability and Anxiety

By Becki Cohn-Vargas March 02, 2022

Recently, a friend told me about feeling increased anxiety. She had had a kidney transplant over 20 years ago, but, now in her 60s, she finds herself getting very upset with any new physical symptom…

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Rethinking the New Year’s Resolution

By Amy Newmark March 01, 2022

By now, we’ve accepted that whatever grandiose plans we made on January 1st are not working out. But we are not alone. According to U.S. News & World Report, 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail, and most people lose their resolve by mid-February…

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