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Search Results for: Tai Chi

Healthy Aging from the Inside Out: Why Your Gut is Your Second Brain

By Debbie Stevenson March 13, 2022

Recently, I learned so much more about healing the body, mind, and spirit from the inside out with great nutrition and high quality supplements. And I want to share it all with you!

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Finding – And Appreciating – Little Miracles in the Midst of a Crazy World

By Cynthia Hogg March 12, 2022

Sometimes, experiencing a “little miracle” through the eyes of a child can restore hope and renew our faith in the goodness of life as well. I recently had such an experience with two of my granddaughters…

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5 Style Tips That Will Make a Big Difference in Your Midlife Style

By Susan Cox March 12, 2022

Midlife is a fantastic time of life. We have certainly earned our stripes after decades of raising families, carving out careers, and the many other competing priorities that perhaps have vied for our attention…

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6 Ways to Renew Yourself After 60

By Diane Dahli March 12, 2022

As women over 60, we are constantly looking for ways to renew ourselves. In your search for this essence of aliveness, many of you will make big changes, quit your jobs, renovate your homes or go on a trip to find new adventures…

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Small Choices Can Tip the Wellness Scale

By Kay Van Norman March 11, 2022

It’s March, and by now you’re either hitting your stride as you move towards your New Year’s goals or have stumbled into the ditch along the way. If you’re a little off track – so what? Just like focusing on recovering fully from a health setback, it’s important…

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Legacy Letters: An Updated Patriarchal Tradition Giving Women a Voice Today

By Leah Dobkin March 11, 2022

A legacy letter translates your personal and family stories and values into life lessons and wisdom that can inform and transform the younger and future generations. Your letter can also express your hopes, blessings, explanations, forgiveness and gratitude…

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8 Lies and Myths We’ve Been Told (And Might Believe!) About Makeup After 50

By Elise Marquam-Jahns March 10, 2022

I think today’s topic is one we can all relate to: the many things we’ve read and heard that we should and shouldn’t do regarding the makeup we use after 50. And some of these “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts” are really pervasive in our culture and frankly…

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Top 3 Best Travel Hobbies for Seniors

By Sue Rudolph March 09, 2022

In America, Punxsutawney Phil has predicted five more weeks of winter. Soon the snow and rain of the season will evaporate and give way to the sunshine of spring! March through June means more mild climates around the world, allowing travelers…

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Dare and Move On – How a Love of Writing Changed My Life

By Mercedes de Marchena March 09, 2022

A dozen years ago, I moved with my husband to Miami. I had done this before, moving to another country because of his job. One more time, we decided, and then we will be ready for retirement. Who would have known we were going to change our minds? Retirement is really not in our plans yet. That is alright. As long as we feel good about our lives, why change them?

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Dating Tips for Mature Women: 7 Signs He’s Bad for You (and 7 He’s Got it Bad for You!)

By Shirley Goldberg March 09, 2022

If a guy really likes you, he wants to be with you. Common sense. But what about in the beginning, before it’s a relationship. How do you know a man is interested then? At our age, it’s not like you’ll see him in fourth period English…               

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