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Search Results for: Tai Chi

Can Mini Adventures Enrich the Spirit? Oh Yes!

By Liz Kitchens September 12, 2022

Adventures don’t have to be big and bold. Adventures come in many sizes and forms and help us feel young again. I like taking mini adventures that sometimes aren’t planned but thrust on you like when you are riding your bike in the afternoon…

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5 Tips to Get Back in Shape After 55

By Aubrey Reinmiller September 12, 2022

“I’m too old to get back in shape.” As a personal trainer who has worked with hundreds of women over the age of 55, I hear this all the time. It’s absolutely not true. Getting back in shape after 55 can be harder than when you were in your 20s, but it’s absolutely possible! 

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What Is Sarcopenia and How Can Older Adults Prevent Its Tragic Impacts?

By Sandra Feaster September 12, 2022

You may ask, what is sarcopenia? Is it a disease, an insect or food? Is it something we should fear? The answer is, “Yes and No.” The name itself sounds gross, but no, it is not a disease, insect, or food…

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How to Align Your Home with Your Heart

By Heidi Smith September 11, 2022

Your home is intended to be your friend and safe place – comfortable and easy to be around, as well as a support to face the stress and tension beyond the front door. It is meant to be a personal, nourishing space where you…

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5 Secrets on How to Nourish Over-Dry and Processed Hair

By Suzanne Blons September 11, 2022

In my mid-20s, I yanked out my first silver hair with terror in my eyes. That sent a signal to the rest of the white follicles waiting in my scalp to immediately spout and cover my head as if fertilized by God’s very own growth hormone…

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3 Ways to Leave a Legacy, Not a Mess!

By Marie Burns September 10, 2022

When we hear the term “legacy” we often think of leaving millions of dollars to heirs, so most of us decide “well, that sure doesn’t apply to me!” and we stop thinking about it. However, the word legacy simply refers to passing…

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4 Proven Ways to Get Rid of Belly Fat After Menopause

By Linda Melone September 10, 2022

It strikes without warning. One day you’re strolling along, thinking you’re finally getting the hang of this thing called ‘life,’ when – BAM! – it hits you as you try to zip up your pants. It’s a reminder that you are not yet done…

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A Life-Transforming Question: What Will I Be Brave About Today?

By Noelle Nelson September 09, 2022

Nothing seemed to be going right. My Internet gave up in the middle of a Zoom meeting, my dog – a rescue mutt still learning the house rules – peed on a freshly washed towel hanging over a chair, and the work gig I was so confident…

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Surprising Life Lessons from Kindergarten and My Marriage

By Becki Cohn-Vargas September 09, 2022

Not so long ago, my husband and I both turned 64. We got cards for each other with the iconic Beatles song that said, “Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I’m sixty-four?” I could not help but reflect on how we both survived and keep surviving even to this day, a number of years later.

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How to Use Spices to Stay Healthy in the Transition from Summer to Fall

By Sarah Brewer September 07, 2022

Many kitchen spices have warming properties that can enhance your health as the weather turns colder. While they are available in supplement form, use them in recipes whenever possible. Weight for weight, spices provide…

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