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Search Results for: weight

Are Your Self-Centered Goals Making You Unhappy?

By Margaret Manning April 16, 2017

Have you ever noticed how everything in the modern world encourages us to be self-centered? Read More

Where Have You Found the Best Plus Size Swimwear? Real Advice from Real Women

By Margaret Manning March 31, 2017

Why is shopping for plus size swimwear so difficult? This is one of the many fashion related questions that we find ourselves facing as the winter weather melts away and we start thinking about summer. Read More

How to Dine Extravagantly, Even When You’re on a Budget

By Elizabeth Dunkel March 15, 2017

We do it three times a day, so it might as well be fabulous, fantastic, delicious, delightful. Even if we’re watching our weight. Especially if we’re watching our weight. Read More

Pumping Iron May Be the Key to Fitness Over 60

By Margaret Manning March 14, 2017

We all understand that fitness over 60 is important. The challenge is knowing where to start and having the discipline to stick with it once we do. Read More

5 Ways to Tweak Your Routine to Achieve Healthy Aging

By Jessica Hegg March 07, 2017

Little actions can make a big difference when it comes to your health. Forget overhauling your entire lifestyle to match the far-fetched fantasies of fitness infomercials.

Introducing even small changes, from diet to exercise and self-care, can pack a powerful – and healthy – punch that will add years to your life. Here are a few suggestions to help you achieve healthy aging. Read More

A Celebrity Makeup Artist’s Take on Makeup for Older Women

By Margaret Manning February 22, 2017

Finding good advice on how to apply makeup for older women is a challenge. So, since this is a topic that many women in the community have asked me about, I turned to celebrity makeup artist, Ariane Poole for some advice. Read More

How to Make a Successful Transition to Retirement – Advice from the Sixty and Me Community

By Margaret Manning February 15, 2017

One topic that we all have on our minds as we enter our 60s is how to successfully transition to retirement. Read More

Should You Go Dairy Free to Boost Your Healthy Aging Prospects?

By Candy Morehouse February 11, 2017

These days, there are plenty of things that dieticians, health professionals and personal trainers warn us to stay away from. Read More

Get Moving! We’re Too Old to be Sitting in Front of Our Computers All Day

By Rebecca Olkowski February 06, 2017

Sitting has been declared the new smoking.

For the last decade, it’s become the norm to sit on our duffs for hours at a time. The average person sits for eight hours a day and much of that time is spent in front of a computer. We’ve become dependent on computers for work, shopping and staying in touch with friends. Read More

It’s Time to Give a Surprising Valentine’s Day Gift… To Yourself!

By Noelle Nelson February 05, 2017

Ah, the month of love!

As February rolls around, Valentine’s Day is in the air – literally. You couldn’t miss the coming of Valentine’s Day if you tried. Between the TV specials, stuffed bears and candy for sale everywhere you look, love-songs on the Internet and the ever-present jewelry commercials, the month of love is categorically upon us. Read More