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Search Results for: resolutions

Are You Looking Back or Living Forward in Your 60s?

By Christine Field January 03, 2019

Conflict is a part of life. Few of us live without it. But what if conflicts from your past are interfering with your moving forward?

Conflict is never an easy thing to deal with, but old, deeply rooted disagreements can really affect your body, mind and spirit. Read More

My Second Life-Changing New Year’s Resolution… and a Special Offer!

By Margaret Manning January 01, 2019

On some level, we all know that movement is essential to getting the most from life at any age. In fact, you could even say that movement IS life. When we let ourselves “take it easy,” instead of growing, learning and pushing ourselves, our bodies and minds start to fade. In other words, we start to die. Read More

New Year. New Disciplines and a New You!

By Paula Usrey December 31, 2018

It’s a new year, a new beginning. For a little over 40% of us, it means we’re in the midst of establishing goals for 2019. These include learning a new language, exercising more or losing a few pounds. Read More

My #1 New Year’s Resolution… and Some Help for Setting Yours

By Margaret Manning December 31, 2018

Like many of you, my life is in a constant state of change. I am always growing, learning and trying to make myself a better person. But, despite all of this, I still try to set a couple of New Year’s resolutions each year… not to be hard on myself, but, to celebrate my potential. Today, I would like to share one of my New Year’s resolutions with you. I’d also give you some help for setting your own goals for 2019. New Year’s resolutions not your thing? Don’t worry! We have plenty of other fun articles and videos below. Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

8 Ways to Make a Fresh Start in the New Year

By Carol Stanley December 29, 2018

Don’t make a resolution to lose weight! I know the number one New Year’s Resolution is getting in shape and losing weight. A resolution can be very confining and having a set date to achieve each of our goals may or may not work. You have probably heard people say they need to lose weight by a certain date. Read More

7 Easy Steps to Make Your Goals Fun and Doable After 60: Are You Willing to Try Them?

By Sally Fox December 28, 2018

Each new year promises us a fresh start, a time to reflect on our lives, and an opportunity to discover and set (or reset) our priorities.

Whether we call them resolutions, goals, or a vision for the year, we want to ensure that we build success and momentum as we move forward with our commitments. Read More

What Will You Resolve to Do in 2019? The Case for Doing What We Love…

By Julia Hubbel December 28, 2018

Some four thousand years ago in Babylonia, the people celebrated the planting of new crops and the beginning of the new year. At the end of the elaborate, 12-day, religious festival Akitu, the people of Mesopotamia would support the existing king or crown a replacement. Read More

4 Ways to Start Following Your Dreams in 2019! (#3 Will Make You Think!)

By Margaret Manning December 28, 2018

As 2019 approaches, many of us are finding ourselves reflecting on our lives. Well, today, I want to make you a promise. No matter what is behind you, you can take control of your future. You can choose to dream big. You can make your life whatever you want it to be. So, today, I would like to share 4 ideas to help you make your dreams a reality in the next year. I think a few of them will surprise you! Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

5 Essential Tips for Dressing Stylishly Over 60

By Susan "Honey" Good August 24, 2018

When it comes to style, Billy Baldwin may have said it best: “Be faithful to your own taste because nothing you really like is ever out of style.”

I think this quote speaks to us as women over 60. In this season of our lives, it’s not always about keeping up with the latest trends, but rather, knowing ourselves and what we like and feel confident in. Read More

In Search of Authenticity and Integrity in Midlife Balance

By Delia Lloyd April 26, 2018

I had coffee with a friend of mine in London recently. We talked about our joint desire to make our second half of life both meaningful and productive. Read More