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Search Results for: loneliness

The Value of Friendship

By Cindy Boatman May 05, 2023

Friendship, while as unique as its individual participants, usually includes the elements of love, kindness, humor, flexibility, reciprocity, and compromise. Since these are common elements of any good relationship, how does friendship differ?

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10 Happiness Factors Determine Success with Online Dating

By Andrea McGinty May 04, 2023

You’ve all probably seen Harvard’s ongoing Happiness Project or the yearly stats on the Danes and Swedes being the happiest people in the world. Why does this matter? As a dating coach and former matchmaker, I see some patterns when it comes to dating…

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Top 10 Benefits of Building Your Community

By Tammi Kaeberlein May 03, 2023

I stopped looking for “my community” years ago, trying to fit in somewhere when one, I didn’t, and two, I really just wanted to be on my own most of the time. In the process of doing so, I started being true to myself. Me, for the first time ever…

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Why Being Negative Is Natural for Us

By Teresa Beshwate April 16, 2023

Human brains are hard-wired in primitive ways and have just one goal – survival. They achieve the goal of keeping us alive in three primary ways: by prompting us to stay safe, seek pleasure, and be efficient. Before humans were established…

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How to Locate the Best and Healthiest Places for Aging Alone

By Carol Marak April 11, 2023

Globally, there are 604 million (plus) people in the 65 and older category. This has created a demand for research on how to live better as people move beyond the working years. Studies suggest drilling down on individual behaviors that affect the health…

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Being Alone but Not Lonely

By Anthony Cirillo April 07, 2023

I wrote an article for Sixty and Me on loneliness, which, for some reason, gathered a number of comments. The consensus – you can be alone but not lonely. OK, I get it. Because I am very much like these women. Being a speaker and performer…

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How Spirituality Can Improve Your Life

By Xenia Mateiu March 22, 2023

Over the last year, I saw many people searching for crystals or gemstones, wondering if they have to define themselves as spiritual to use the stones effectively, if they need to believe in energies, or if it is wrong that they only see crystals as pretty rocks. Well, there is no wrong answer to this. […]

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How to Make Travelling Solo a Joyous Experience

By Jackie Parsons March 05, 2023

Does the thought of travelling alone fill you with abject horror? Or do you get a thrill at the idea of setting off on holiday on your own? The fact is, solo travel is on the up, with more of us travelling solo than before the pandemic and American women…

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How Often Do You Go Out and Play with Your Friends?

By Howard Fishman March 05, 2023

“Go outside and play with your friends!” That was Mom’s clarion call to us kids back then when friendship was easier. When we were naive, tolerant, open to diversity, and had few boundaries. We were perfect friend-making machines…

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10 Strategies to Empower You When Dealing with a Contentious Divorce

By Beverly Price March 03, 2023

Getting through a divorce can be extremely difficult at best, even when both parties are doing their best to cooperate. In cases where there is high conflict, divorce can turn from challenging to disaster quickly, as one or both parties…

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