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Search Results for: jobs

Why Redundancy Can Be a Blessing in Disguise

By Elise Christian May 28, 2022

Being made redundant can be difficult financially and emotionally. Some people may experience feelings of grief and loss, and worry about where to turn next. It’s also normal to feel a loss of control, which can be unsettling…

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Could a Side Hustle Gig Provide More Financial Peace of Mind in Your 60s?

By Donna Kastner April 27, 2022

Traditional jobs are no longer the sole source of income for many. According to a recent Bankrate study, more than 44 million Americans are engaged in some type of ‘side hustle’ income endeavor…

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5 Ways to Relax and Enjoy Life After 60 Even More

By Debbie Hensleigh April 24, 2022

I’m in my ThirdThird now (ages 60-90) and I find there are things I used to care a lot more about than I do now. Priorities, experience, wisdom, adapting – whatever the reason, I am much more flexible in my thinking. The result? Less stress. More joy. A greater appreciation for each day, each opportunity, each interaction…

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5 Ways to Discover Your Skills and Start a New Career After 50

By Brenda Ferguson Hodges April 21, 2022

You will be surprised how many opportunities you will have to showcase your unique skills during the job interview. These skills will help you to get hired. Thinking about this ahead of time will help you present a confident attitude and image…

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The Morning Show: How Do You Feel About This Thought-Provoking Drama?

By Angela Jackson April 19, 2022

I recently binged The Morning Show on Apple+, and I’m still processing how I feel about the characters and the storyline. Don’t get me wrong – I absolutely recommend it. There’s just so much to unpack…

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Do You Like a Good Mess? You May Be a Creative Genius!

By Deborah Lambson April 16, 2022

I’ve often read of the connection between messiness and artists. There is apparently a direct correlation between disorganization and creative thought. More than one study has shown that creative types prefer chaos to order. Messy desks/work spaces promote thinking outside of the box…

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Showing Gratitude to Essential Workers

By Becki Cohn-Vargas March 25, 2022

This week is the second anniversary of the California Covid 19 shelter-in-place order. What comes to your mind as you reflect on the pandemic over the last two years? How was your life impacted? What were the experiences of your family and friends?

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Why Your Children and Grandchildren Should Avoid Student Loans

By Elaine Ambrose March 13, 2022

Graduation time is here, and families will join to celebrate an important milestone in the lives of their graduates. Mixed with all the elaborate pomp and circumstance should be the harsh reality that student loans could make them indentured victims…

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6 Ways to Renew Yourself After 60

By Diane Dahli March 12, 2022

As women over 60, we are constantly looking for ways to renew ourselves. In your search for this essence of aliveness, many of you will make big changes, quit your jobs, renovate your homes or go on a trip to find new adventures…

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What Living in Mexico Taught Me About Sleep

By Kerry Baker February 28, 2022

Some time ago, brain researchers warned that lack of sleep is a public health crisis. According to the CDC, one in three adults in the U.S. do not get enough sleep. On the daily level, lack of sleep causes mental distress. When you are tired, the world is tired…

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