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Search Results for: hearing loss

Over 50? Don’t Miss This Brain Health Check List from Dr. Leslie Kernisan

By Margaret Manning October 31, 2018

Our brain is a powerful tool that we should pay attention to, especially as we get older. Join us in conversation with Dr. Leslie Kernisan who shares her check list of important brain health practices we should all know about. Enjoy the show! Read More

3 Things to Keep an Eye Out For When Visiting Your Elderly Relatives During the Holidays

By Anthony Cirillo October 11, 2018

Before you know it, the holiday rush will be upon us. Often, for adult children, it is one of the few times they get to see mom and dad during the year. Families can be separated by distance (and much more) and caregiving from afar can be difficult, stressful and time-consuming. Read More

Losing Weight After 50: It’s Time to Dress Like You’ve Already Lost the Excess Weight

By Peg Doyle August 16, 2018

Being the right weight after 50 – or at any age for that matter – is a lot about loving yourself. You can’t love yourself fully if you’re depriving yourself of looking your best, waiting for that perfect figure. You can’t love yourself if you squeeze into too tight clothes or wear oversized tunics that hide you. Read More

Makeup for Older Women: Margaret and Ariane’s Favorites and a Few Surprises!

By Sixty and Me May 12, 2018

Shopping at the store around the corner, or at a place on the other side of the planet may reveal some great new products, and that’s always good for enhancing our own self-esteem. Join us to find some of Margaret and Ariane’s new favorites! Enjoy the show! Read More

Why Women Should Reclaim Their Power: Let’s Speak Up!

By Ellen Bachmeyer November 11, 2017

In light of the events that have been circulating on TV and social media over the last several weeks and months, where women have been speaking up about sexual harassment and human rights, I have been deeply moved. Read More

How Keeping Up with Technology Can Transform Your Life After 60

By Ann Voorhees Baker September 08, 2017

We’re not “old.” At least not the way we saw our grandparents. We have active, connected, vibrant lives. Sure, one day we may stop working at our jobs, but we aren’t withdrawing from an involved life. We are young at heart and in spirit. Read More

Happy 71st Birthday Dolly Parton – You Are the Real Thing!

By Margaret Manning January 19, 2017

I wouldn’t exactly call myself a country music fan, but, for some reason, I have always loved Dolly Parton. Not only does her music resonate with millions, but, she is also funny, sweet and gorgeous. I also absolutely love the fact that she doesn’t take herself too seriously, no matter how successful she becomes. Read More

Let Grace Be Your Guide in Life After 60

By Noelle Nelson October 27, 2016

If you ask me how old I feel, I’ll tell you “40.”

Why? Because I didn’t start to feel my uniqueness, my strengths, my true self, until I hit my fourth decade. Now, I am almost at level 7.0 (that’s a story for another day). As I turn 69, I have a degree of gravitas, of self-confidence, of utter joy in being-ness that utterly eluded me in my 20s and 30s. Read More

Why I’m Happy My Writing Group Critiques My Work

By Stephanie Raffelock July 21, 2016

A lot of the good writing teachers don’t recommend participating in writing critique groups. The ones who do, often offer a list of rules about being in such a group. Read More

What Do We Really Know About the Aging Brain? Conversation with Dr. John Medina

By Margaret Manning January 15, 2014

Dr. John Medina has a passion for unlocking the mysteries of the aging brain. He is a developmental molecular biologist and the author of a New York Times best-selling book called Brain Rules. Read More