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Search Results for: hearing loss

How Losing a Sibling Changed My Life Forever

By Molly Stevens December 10, 2020

If you live to be over 60, loss is inevitable. I anticipated the loss of my parents, knowing the day was looming when they would pass on as part of the natural order of life. What I didn’t prepare for was losing my sister, Linda…

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The Art of Writing Creative Eulogies

By Diana Raab November 14, 2020

The holiday season is often marked by the loss of loved ones, so it’s a good idea to be prepared for the inevitable. I am a well-published writer, so it seems that when a close friend or family member dies, I’m asked to write the eulogy.

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Recalling My Experience During Breast Cancer Awareness Month

By Rosanne Ullman October 27, 2020

Receiving a diagnosis of breast cancer is like staring down a huge, dark hole that you must jump into. You don’t know how far down you’ll drop or what awaits you when you get there. All you know is that it’s dark and, possibly, bottomless…

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Understanding and Dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease

By Emily White October 26, 2020

Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disease that destroys a person’s intellectual and cognitive abilities and robs them of their memories.  As this disease progresses nerve cells in the brain (neurons) stop working, slowly lose connections to one another and eventually die. This causes memory failure, personality changes and an inability to carry out […]

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What My Inner Heroine Is Teaching Me During the Pandemic

By Marcia Smalley August 07, 2020

The Heroine’s (or Hero’s) Journey is a recognizable framework. It’s been used in myths and stories throughout the ages and studied by scholars like Joseph Campbell. In a nutshell, a regular person leading an ordinary life unexpectedly…

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Staycation – 9 Ideas for a Holiday at Home This Year

Who would have thought at the beginning of the year that we would all be ‘in lockdown’ with nowhere to go? In fact, not only nowhere to go, but not allowed to go…

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5 Secrets to Living Happily Ever After in Your 60s, 70s and Beyond

By Iris Pastor May 05, 2020

Secrets are tantalizing. And to think I finally cracked the code on the secret to living happily ever after. Read More

Psychological Portfolio for Retirement – It’s Not Just About the Money

By Harriet Cabelly March 10, 2020

We’re all accustomed to hearing and reading about planning for retirement, which usually only covers the financial side of things. There’s no minimizing the importance of money to live on…

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Don’t Give Up on Resolutions Yet: 3 Great Ways to Handle Them in 2020

By Paula Harer February 14, 2020

If you’re someone who makes resolutions each year, I’m impressed. It just doesn’t happen for me, other than what I call the triple crown (lose weight, eat better, exercise more). I know myself and know that I will fall short, and the disappointment is more than I can manage…

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Want to Avoid the Holiday Letdown? Try Having a Conversation Around the Thanksgiving Table!

By Nicole Christina November 09, 2019

Tons of food, alcohol, politics, family… what could possibly go wrong during the holidays? Year after year, many of us still hope for that elusive, harmonious bonding holiday experience. Most of us leave disappointed…

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