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Search Results for: hearing loss

Worried About Your Parents Being Elderly Drivers? How to Know When They Should Stop

By Connie Chow July 01, 2022

Are you worried about the safety of your elderly parents driving? It’s common for adult children to start worrying about an aging parent’s driving skills. It can, however, be tough to start that conversation. It’s a sensitive topic, especially for older adults…

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Finding Cherished Memories Through Nostalgic Music

By Mary Sue Wilkinson March 20, 2022

My mom died when I was 35 years old. She was only 58. She’s been gone a long time now and sadly, memories do have a way of fading. Here’s one memory I do have. And it comes to me whenever I hear a certain song. Let me explain…

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The Seven Myths of Love and Happiness

By Joanie Marx February 11, 2022

We all want to give and receive love, to be acknowledged, cared for and to know that our lives really do matter. How do you find true love, especially for women over 60, without sacrificing your sense of self-worth by feeling forced into chasing…

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Why It’s Important to Prepare Elderly Loved Ones for Emergencies

By Anthony Cirillo November 03, 2021

Louisiana officials recently revoked the licenses of seven nursing homes that evacuated patients to a warehouse where seven of them died ahead of Hurricane Ida’s landfall. Hurricane Katrina should have been the warning shot when it…

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6 Words You Must Not Say

By Debbie Hensleigh October 24, 2021

Long ago, a friend told me her fiancé had given her a huge gift. He was multi-lingual and had many dictionaries. He told her he went through every one of them and removed the word “divorce.” Removed…

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Fall Prevention Guide For Older Adults

By Koob Moua June 10, 2021

Seeing a main character in a movie living in constant fear or being fearless never ends well. Living in constant fear results in not enjoying what life has to offer. Being fearless and ignoring all of the warning signs result in failure due to stubbornness. The trope of the story typically goes such that the […]

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Not Feeling Blessed? Change the Tune!

By Darlene Corbett May 19, 2021

I come to you this morning to say three simple words: You are blessed! “What do you mean,” you might ask. It’s simple, really. You are reading, which means you are alive. So, you are blessed! You must remind yourself that you have the privilege of reaching 60…

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Why Young People Are My Inspiration for Writing

By Julia Hubbel May 07, 2021

Two days ago, I received a note from a reader who follows my writing on a couple of different platforms. It caught me by surprise, if for no other reason that it is so very easy, sitting here in relative isolation and still under the corner of the heavy quarantine…

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Marking My First Anniversary of Sheltering in Place

By Elena Karplus March 12, 2021

March 11, 2020 will be added to the collection of significant dates in my life. It will mark the first day of staying home alone protecting myself and others from the menace of Covid-19. I have written before about the trials and tribulations…

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How to Be Open to Enhancing Your Life with New Experiences

By Harriet Cabelly February 10, 2021

My middle daughter’s miraculous survival and complete recovery from her year-long medical crisis and hospitalization was a huge turning point in my life. It also happened to coincide with my turning 50, a naturally big life-marker…

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