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Search Results for: weight

7 Things We Can Do To Protect and Enhance the Aging Brain

By Sixty and Me April 05, 2020

When you concentrate on what you’re thankful for instead of what bothers you, you’re decentering. If things aren’t going well, Dr. Medina advises, simply write down three things that make you grateful…

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Life After Retirement: Is Health More Important than Wealth?

By Margaret Manning April 03, 2020

If you listen to the media, getting ready for life after retirement is all about how much money you can stash away. So, like squirrels, we run around, burying nuts all over the garden, hoping that they will last us through the winter. Then, when we reach retirement (or semi-retirement), we realize that money isn’t everything. Read More

#StayHome and Indulge Your Passion While You Have the Time and Opportunity

By Mary Lou Harris April 02, 2020

The top priority of the day for many of us in the Sixty and Me community is to stay safe and, from a distance, ensure our friends and family are safe, too. COVID-19 has changed life more…

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3 Sure-Fire Ways to Get Out of a Funk After 50

By Iris Pastor March 30, 2020

The other day, I innocently asked my grandson what he would like for his upcoming ninth birthday. He thought for a moment, then gazed intently into my eyes and answered explicitly, “No books, Nana. And nothing you knitted…”

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6 Retirement Planning Truths Recent Retirees Wish They Had Known in Their 50s (No-One Thinks About #3!)

By Sixty and Me March 30, 2020

When we think about retirement planning, most of us have a big fat number in our minds – how much money have we saved? Or, not saved, as the situation may be. In reality, while saving for retirement is important, it is far from the only issue that we face in our 50s…

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A Good Defense Is a Boomer’s Best Offense for Fighting Viruses

By Joy Stephenson-Laws March 29, 2020

I must admit that when I first heard “older people” were at much greater risk if infected with the novel coronavirus (also known as COVID-19), my first thought was, “Well, they are not talking about me…

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Standing on One Leg to Improve Your Balance? 3 Ways to Get More from Your Balance Exercises

By Claudine Aherne March 25, 2020

Do you sometimes try to stand on one leg while brushing your teeth or waiting for the kettle to boil? As a woman over 60 you know it’s good for your balance, and it does seem to get easier if you do it regularly…

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6 Evidence-Based Ways to Boost Your Immune System – So Important Right Now!

By Jane Thurnell-Read March 21, 2020

As we get older, it is particularly important that we nurture our immune systems. They help to fight bugs of all sorts, including the current COVID-19 infection…

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Social Security is a Dead Man Walking: You Need a Plan B!

By Sixty and Me March 21, 2020

Social Security is dead. It just hasn’t stopped twitching. This is the only conclusion that I can come to after reviewing all of the available data and considering the political and social environment that we are likely to face over the next 20-30 years.

In fact, the more I think about Social Security, the more I believe that everyone, from recent retirees to Millennials need to assume that this safety net will disappear, in whole, or in part, within the next few decades. Read More

Walk Your Way to Health and Mental Wellbeing

By Jackie Parsons March 20, 2020

How many hours have you spent in front of the TV this week? What about your computer? The truth is, most of us recognise that it’s not just the under-30s who are spending too long slumped in front of a screen…

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