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Search Results for: aging well

What to Do When Stepping on the Scale Unleashes Your Inner Self-Critic

By Cassie Christopher August 18, 2023

You step on the scale and the number staring back at you is higher than you wanted. For some, this can start a cycle of self-criticism and restrictive eating that can corrode self-esteem and ruin your day. Take Mary for example. She had been put on a diet…

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How to Embody Your Worthiness After 60

By Joanie Marx August 17, 2023

At each stage of life, we adopted specific beliefs, traits, and behaviors to adapt to different people, environments, and circumstances. Where did these beliefs, traits, and behaviors come from? In most cases, they were passed down…

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After Heartbreak, New Widows Must Revisit Their Finances

By Kathleen M. Rehl August 17, 2023

I was devastated. A few days before I turned 60, I was suddenly a widow. But really, I was typical. Surprisingly, the average age at which a wife becomes a widow is 59.4. About 1 million women a year in the U.S. experience what may be the most stressful event…

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What Should Your New Love (and You!) Bring to the Relationship?

By Andrea McGinty August 16, 2023

When you start dating someone new, often the initial spark takes over. But for the relationship to hold, and to bring happiness and joy, both parties must put their best foot forward. Clients and potential clients ask me these questions constantly…

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Is Being Loyal to Yourself First Selfish?

By Linda Wattier August 15, 2023

Were you taught, like I was, that placing your needs before those of others is selfish, unkind, or unloving? Did you learn that being a devoted daughter, partner, mother, wife, or caregiver – while shouldering all the emotional labor…

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A New Kind of Exercise: For Your Money Muscles

By Marie Burns August 15, 2023

Oh, if we had only known then what we know now! We can say that about many things in life. August is Wellness Month, so I want to share some thoughts and a challenge for you about financial wellness. It’s a topic we have yet to embrace…

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How to Make a Flower Wreath

By Lynn Huggins-Cooper August 15, 2023

A flower wreath hanging on your front entrance is the most glorious door dressing. It’s a vibrant sign of life and the warmth and colour to be found within. Rust coloured chrysanthemums and glowing orange lilies for Halloween; traditional holly…

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Why a Great Morning Routine Can Be Your Best Friend

By Aubrey Reinmiller August 15, 2023

Creating a morning routine that works for you is so helpful to living a healthy lifestyle and making the most out of each day. Each of us is made differently so we should customize our morning routines to suit us. Mornings for me are the worst…

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Are We Shaped by Our Childhoods?

By Diana Raab August 14, 2023

More and more research is coming forth about how the events of our childhoods affect our adult passions and mold who we become. Some believe that childhood sets the stage for the trajectory of our lives. This has definitely been true for me…

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7 Best Travel Companies for Women Over 50

By Sandra Roussy August 14, 2023

Are you passionate about traveling and exploring the world? Whether you’re embarking on solo adventures or traveling with friends, travel companies can take care of all the logistics for you. From arranging flights to booking accommodations…

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